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Everything posted by aussiek2000

  1. +1. My G8 runs low 12's with 150 more HP than a SS and a stall and radials
  2. saw this at lunch time. Doesn't look like any studebaker I've ever seen. EDIT: appears its a studebaker avanti. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r39/aussiek2000/07BB23CC-4845-41BA-9A86-ACC5B868AA54_1.jpg
  3. I just had to replace a rear cradle in a 2015 V6 CTS awd. To remove the exhaust, you have to take off the rear bumper cover. Forget trying to do interior work, about 9 million pieces that all overlap and snap when you touch them.
  4. I hope they never make it. I'm getting tired of working on these overly complicated new Cadillacs.
  5. Of course they were there. Sponsored by FCA. I would have loved to have met them though.
  6. G8 needs front tires. Too bad they don't have any 19's that will fit
  7. I use "monster" branded lug nuts on my G8
  8. GXP or GTP? GXP would be 5.3 v8 and they eat transmissions like candy. GTP would be 3.8SC. Typical 3.8 problems, coolant leaks, oil leaks, etc.
  9. do you have HP tuners that you can get a log and post up?
  10. Still running a MAF? Airflow table needed some tweaking on my car after the cam/heads. Would surge at idle on a cold start.
  11. ^^^^I agree with all of the above. If a driver decides to run a car that is unsafe, that's on them if they crash and die/get hurt. But to put passengers' lives in danger is just stupid. The passenger should have never been in the car regardless of safety equipment.
  12. Damn, that's a lot of miles. Were you the only driver?
  13. 8' beds suck on anything except a regular cab. Crew cab long bed is 20 miles long. Wont fit in most store parking spots.
  14. know anyone with a roll back wrecker? That's what we have used in the past.
  15. Does it strike anyone else as odd that the alleged shooter was killed by police, using an unprecedented technique? And that there has been no outcry for him not receiving justice? Oswald was killed before he could talk too. Just saying
  16. But had these 3 officers shot and killed their attackers, it would be all over the news.
  17. Every cares about police violence, gang violence, rapes, shootings, etc. Its just the fact that there is a sub-section of the black community that have this "you owe me" mentality. Their families have been on welfare for decades. They don't know anything other than killing and looting.
  18. Guy on another forum took these videos last night. Figured I would share.
  19. Abbott needs to call in the National Guard. Let them do their job and disperse the protestors.
  20. I'll agree with that. There is no real "shit box" car any more. The cheap hyundais, kias, corollas, caviliers, sunfires, contour, escort, etc of years past no longer exist on todays market.
  21. Exact reason I bought a new 2016 Tacoma and not used. I was seeing used ones listed for MORE than I paid for a fully loaded new truck.
  22. yes. I knew where the issue was so no need to replace the full harness and cause other issues.
  23. Mid-engine corvettes do exist. Last time one of our techs was in Detroit they had several variants with different engines. But they are all prototypes and may or may not make production
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