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Everything posted by Grudes

  1. The truck sounds pretty mean in person especially with the cam. Its kind of neat to hear an S10 rumbling like a muscle car
  2. Be careful if you look at Craiglist for a dog. There are a lot of people on there trying to flip dogs or scam you. The Columbus dispatch usually has a pretty good listing of puppies.
  3. Looks like something from TRON. Its kind of interesting they are using a turbo 3 though. Good thing it has 2 electric motors
  4. Thanks. I like the RX7. Those are neat cars
  5. Just the angle. I have a Tomei turbo 7960 turbo and 850cc injectors to install. Ill also upgrade the fuel pump when I put them on and then of course tune it. That's the biggest things for now. I already has ARP headstuds and a bigger TMIC with an air-oil separator. Other than that just some little stuff here and there maybe bigger sway bars and a strut tower brace. That's where im starting anyway.. As im sure everyone knows theres always more to do
  6. Oh he tried. He wanted me to get a Corvette but I like what I like. This is my 3rd one
  7. http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g19/magickei16/0525151408.jpg' alt='0525151408.jpg'> Hey whats up everyone my name is Doug. I just got a new toy an 04 STi. I decided to get on to Columbus racing to network, talk about cars, and both answer and have questions answered. I work with Scott at LASH Chevrolet as a Tech and he helped convince me to get onto Columbus racing. I look forward to taking the STi to car and coffee and maybe some auto-x stuff. I have a list of stuff in mind I would like to do to the STi that far exceeds my budget. Haha. I probably wont go crazy with it though, I want it to still be fun to drive daily.
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