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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I think we all know the truth, but still want to see the photos.
  2. Add your pics to the gallery: https://ohioriders.net/index.php?/gallery/category/4-ohio-riders-invades-deals-gap-2016/
  3. That has to be the most awkward intro post ever. You'll fit right in. Welcome aboard.
  4. I'm thinking a fall trip is in order. Where should we go?
  5. 1350 miles. Fantastic weekend. Thanks for making this trip kick ass year after year.
  6. So much fun this weekend. Great seeing the old faces, and a pleasure meeting the new. Everyone be careful getting home.
  7. Also, next year we'll be somewhere else.
  8. Next year's Gap trip will be the same weekend. Most folks need it to be over a weekend for time off work. You can always come earlier or stay later.
  9. Haven't even been to the gap yet. We are somewhere in Georgia.
  10. Update. New tally is three bulbs, one license plate, one second degree misdemeanor, one deck, one turn signal, and two bee stings
  11. @Isaac's Papa @Tpoppa @TimTheAzn @Dizzledan Are you guys coming back to Fontana after breakfast or heading straight to Georgia?
  12. There should be a pic of me on Killboy behind a pirate parade. Tried to make the best of it. Wish it was video and not pics.
  13. Come over to our cabin (after you're clean, no hiking stink allowed).
  14. We are on top of a mountain somewhere off a dead end crap road. There's an SCCA race happening here this weekend and they're prepping. Race cars and tents all along the road. Race is Saturday and Sunday. May have to come check it out tomorrow. And there's LTE so that's cool.
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