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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Exactly. Fuel pump would prime and everything, but wouldn't even try to start. No clicking, nothing.
  2. Crap. Shouldn't be awaiting approval. Weird.
  3. 100% agree. If I could start any of my bikes, I'd be fine for however long unless it sat for a few days. The Triumph, I swear. Twice it left me stranded. Both times at gas stations which I'd just ridden to. Amazing. I wasn't convinced it was the battery until I replaced it.
  4. I didn't even know you could do that. LOL
  5. You should be the resident OR techs support.
  6. Our previous software version had reached end of life. Upgrading wasn't an option. Although, I am happy with the upgrade overall. A few things here and there to figure out, but overall definitely better.
  7. If you were "friends" with someone on the old site, you became a "follower" on the new site. This means you get notifications every time that person does pretty much anything. This wasn't too big of an issue, although can be annoying. If you'd like to completely reset who you follow to nobody, let me know by creating a support request: https://ohioriders.net/index.php?/support/create/&%2Fsupport%2Fcreate%2F=. It takes me all of about ten seconds to delete the records in the database. Also, be sure to change your notifications to whatever you want: https://ohioriders.net/index.php?/notifications/options/
  8. Okay, it should be fixed now. Phew.
  9. Where you trying to reply or edit a post?
  10. Where you trying to reply or edit a post?
  11. That's way too nice of a gesture from you.
  12. It seems completely random.
  13. It seems completely random.
  14. no idea what's causing this.
  15. That's possibly the funniest thing to ever come from you. Adam, be sure to bring a dead battery so we can have a dead battery triumph parade.
  16. I had to disable Tapatalk. Something is up with their code it looks like.
  17. If it happens, I'll be right there with the GoPro.
  18. I'm trying to figure out what's going on. Lots of double posts happening recently. If you're experiencing it, post a link to your double post. I'm trying to isolate the issue for the software vendor.
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