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Everything posted by Casper

  1. It's that the text editor saves your message as a draft. It sucks sometimes, but is awesome others. To clear it on mobile (for now until I find a fix) just click the source button then select all and delete.
  2. I thought you PM'd me. Maybe it was someone else. Yes I still have it.
  3. I think that should be between you and him direct to be honest.
  4. Not a chance. I hate basketball. Yeah. Manhood credit. That's what we'll call it...
  5. No no, you were/are doing it all wrong. It was supposed to be a quick flick of the wrist. Like whipping a wet towel.
  6. I was in 6th grade in 92 I think.
  7. We called that ball tapping, not tagging. And it was a punchable offense.
  8. You should buy the house on our street. Or our house.
  9. I was thinking Bloody Mary, but Beetlejuice fits also.
  10. It's a massive pain in the ass to move, especially a forum of our size (1+ million posts). Most people don't care enough to do the migration. Hell, the upgrade from vBulletin 3.6 to vBulletin 4.0 was a disaster. Most vB sites haven't done that migration yet. Even vB.org hasn't migrated yet (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/index.php). This is what 4.0 looks like: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/. When 4.0 came out is when I switched to IPB. Much cleaner and more professional looking in my opinion.
  11. I've used them all. VB and IPB are definitely worth the money over the open source ones. Of the two, I think IPB is a lot better. We used VB on here until a few years ago. They got bought by Internet Brands. I wasn't happy with changes being made, so I switched to IPB.
  12. You need to reevaluate who you hang out with.
  13. @Fonzie @Fonzie @Fonzie Let's see if this really works. He should be coming out of the mirror any minute.
  14. Invision Power Board has been around for a long, long time. It's the same forum software used by NHL, Nasa, Live Nation, etc. They've been around since 2003 or 2004 I believe. https://www.invisionpower.com Thanks man. Stop being nice to me in public. People may begin to talk.
  15. To me that's no different than people who try to shove religion down your throat. What I believe or don't believe is between me and my God (or no God, or cow, or tree, or anything). Nobody else has a right to judge, just as I have no right to judge anyone for what they believe or don't.
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