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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Yeah, but the server team's first action will be to blame the network team.
  2. Woah woah woah...... I'm not a developer. Don't go calling me names bud.I think we still have a better uptime than PSN and xBox Live.
  3. Or just my 2nd account for entertaining myself...
  4. Hey, I found a feature.
  5. I hate basketball, but I'd be in for a few raffle tickets. My old man would get a kick out of it.
  6. Yes, but it shouldn't have been. One node of the DB cluster puked when it ran out of disk. This isn't an issue normally, as that's the point of having a cluster. However, Then another node went offline to do backups. The cluster assumed it was split brain and locked itself. Would've been back online sooner but I had to figure out the order of events to determine which node to bring online first.
  7. https://www.groupon.com/deals/motorcycle-hall-of-fame-museum
  8. And yet your best advice was to check the log file... Seriously though, have you seen anymore errors?
  9. Ok, Nginx is now compiled with GeoIP. I'm filtering traffic from China and Russia (biggest offenders of not only these probes, but also spam) and a few others. Let's see if you get these errors anymore.
  10. Let me know when (if) you see it again. Note the time and what you were doing if you can. I see sudden floods of traffic from Russia and China. Not sure if this is related or not. I may just go ahead and compile Nginx with geoip support and block all of China and Russia.
  11. Really? Are you sure?
  12. The only load balancer is between the app and db. That wouldn't throw a 502 but a db error. Nginx is the web server. Not using it as a proxy or load balancer. It looks like an Nginx issue, but that doesn't make any sense being so intermittent.
  13. Funny. I told Matt is buy MidOhio and repave it.
  14. Interesting. I've never seen it. I genuinely have no idea what would cause a 502. Try to see if there's a specific thing you're doing when it happens. I'm wondering if it's the spam service flaking out. That happened before but I thought it was fixed.
  15. Any specific time window?
  16. Huh. Didn't get any alerts for anything down on my end. Weird. Must've been something at the host.
  17. Dude. That's awesome. Congrats. We'll call this the Double Casper.
  18. If I trailer down I'm most likely bringing the Giant. If I ride, nope.
  19. I've got like a whole month marked on my calendar when not to have sex.
  20. I start looking forward to the next year's trip on the way home.
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