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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Damn. Two months and no fix. I'd be livid at this point.
  2. You all need to stop breeding in Cleveland. There are too many of you already. Welcome aboard.
  3. In an education environment with content filtering....... *yawn*
  4. Scratch that. I emailed them.
  5. Hell yeah. Reach out to them. If it seems legit I'll advertise them in here.
  6. Those are the cabins setup for discount. I try to get them together if possible. I can add more if you want. You just call and say you're with a group. They'll ask what group. You say OhioRiders.
  7. Which question? About the loop? Depends how training goes.
  8. I'm sorry, I was busy removing a virus from my mother-in-law's Windows computer. Didn't have time to read that article.
  9. I'm looking forward to hanging out around a campfire and drinking with you bubbies. Been too long.
  10. Want me to merge the accounts?
  11. Santa Fe was beautiful. I want to go back.
  12. Casper

    Caper Error

    Lol. OOM got me. Kill mysqld during a backup. Brought down the database cluster. Galera will bring a cluster offline if there's a risk of split brain. Kind of annoying in circumstances like this, but better than having split brain.
  13. http://www.adfarrow.com/event_list_detail.asp?ecode=693317&smonth=1&syear=2016&emonth=1&eyear=2016&location=0&Submit=Search&inputpage=1 Where: Legion Post 171393 East College AveWesterville, Ohio 43081 When:Friday, January 1 - 9am-1pm The Annual Polar Bear Run will take place at the Westerville American Legion located at 393 E College Ave. It is from 9am to 1pm so wherever/whenever you wake up.. hop on the bike and join us. It is $10 per person and benefits the Legacy Scholarship Fund. Scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, baked french toast, coffee, juice, and more! There will also be a Legacy Scholarship Fund raffle featuring items from L.E.P.D firearms.
  14. I'm in the "love my LCP" camp. Wife likes her's also.
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