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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I don't have time to clear that much anymore. And I want a quad in place of where the snowblower sits in my garage.
  2. I've been clearing my neighbors' (an elderly woman and a nurse) driveways and the sidewalk all the way up my side of the street whenever there's more than a few inches. Single stages fry when trying to get the huge mounds from the plows at the end of driveways and completely suck for any ice at all. 2-stage cuts through like butter. It was actually a really simple decision to buy the 2-stage. I just don't need it anymore and want the space in the garage for something else.
  3. It's FTW old man. And come fix my alarm damnit.
  4. I thought Bad was looking for an SUV?
  5. Tentatively sold pending pickup this weekend.
  6. Tentatively sold pending pickup this weekend.
  7. Casper

    Halo 5

  8. Replied. I know, right? I never had anything like this when I was a kid. Kids are spoiled these days. Now he has bunkbeds. Bunkbeds! Man, I wanted bunkbeds so bad as a kid.
  9. Casper

    Halo 5

    Only nerds play video games.
  10. I'd be up for going. Need some misc stuff for the basement. I want to make some moto art and a clock.
  11. Who are you again? Seems like I should know you, like you're a distant memory or something.
  12. Good condition. Little dude out grew it. Mattress not included (standard crib/toddler bed size). $100obo
  13. No problem. I'll shoot them out to you as soon as I get home.
  14. http://lolwus.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/39.jpg
  15. Just a bit of wisdom learned the hard way; don't get a single stage snowblower. Waste of time and money.
  16. Threw it up on eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/221924753419
  17. Posted on eBay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/221924714354
  18. Don't worry, I'll ward off the evil snow gods by buying a plow with my next quad.
  19. Bump. $100 (firm). I want this gone.
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