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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I updated my member title thing just for you. *hugs & kisses*
  2. Was it really? Geez that's a long time ago. I think the Gap on the 600RR was before that. I rode to Indy a few weeks ago. Does that count for anything? Oh, and doing a loop around Lake Michigan soonish. How about that?
  3. I've ridden a 600RR to the Gap and a ZX10R to Colorado/Utah. Sorry I don't ride a comfy couch around town like you old man.
  4. Will you be my cuddle buddy?
  5. You love me and everyone knows it.
  6. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. http://helibarsblog.com/tag/canyon-dancer/
  7. They did a great job making the customer happy. But the fact that it happened still worries me. I'm not saying they're bad, just saying that experience has me worried to use them again and that the failure was not human error (at least not on my part, maybe manufacturing).
  8. The stitching came undone in the webbing. I have pics if you would like. Canyon Dancer sent me a new one, like $20, and some free tie downs. They definitely handled it well, but still a close call I'd rather not repeat.Wasn't it on your trailer that this happened?
  9. Never use Canyon Dancers with Helibars. There's a big warning in the instructions from Helibars about this. They'll bend or worse.
  10. Let's see some pics of the different ways people tie down their bikes. I've always used Canyon Dancers, but after some reading and a close call I'm looking for alternatives. Figure others can learn from this as well.
  11. Wow. That's some next level messed up crap.
  12. Or any other subject while we're at it.
  13. Did somebody say cock rocket?
  14. This is some "Suzy pulled my hair" shit. I'm very disappointed in you, Tonik.
  15. Casper

    No more Indy MotoGP?

    Well that sucks. I think we all saw it coming, but I was really hoping they'd pull something off.
  16. Yup. I'm back home now. Trickle charge did the trick to get enough juice to fire. Definitely need a new battery. Sure glad I was able to hitch a ride home to get the trickle charger. Sat in the truck in the a/c while it charged. Woo.
  17. I ran around the gas station lot like a mad man trying to bump start it without any luck. It would fire then die.
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