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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Keep us updated. I may be able to do this. Maybe we can get Pauly down here to join. Shitty moved so I doubt he'll be in.
  2. Exactly. Add hydraulic lifts to that. Insurance company will laugh the entire way to the bank.
  3. I know some guys here in Columbus who tried to start a similar thing several years back. Insurance cost too much. Too much liability.
  4. Yes, I'll be ditching tapatalk soon most likely. The new forum updates coming greatly enhance the mobile site.
  5. It's an issue. I know. Just don't have time to fix it. It's a setting in nginx I don't have set right.
  6. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSKCN0PC19020150702?irpc=932
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