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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I didn't wreck!! Woo!! Still slow as crap though.
  2. Neither bike wants to cooperate. I'll be there, but not sure how long I'll stay if the bikes keep acting up. Should've probably got them out and fired up before tonight. Oops.
  3. Nostalgia will be when I see Chris chugging bottles of wine again.
  4. They're keeping the lake at winter levels. Ice racing is fine.
  5. Winter levels are fine for me. I only need it for the winter when the lake is iced over.
  6. I'll let you give me a handy?
  7. I may have to do a tire change at the track. Would you mind bringing the spoons?
  8. I hope the values tank. I'll buy an OR lakefront party house.
  9. Return it. You can have it for free for trailering me to the Gap last year or whenever that was. I'll bring it Sunday.
  10. Lots of new riders. Surely someone can use this.
  11. I want to do this so bad. I think you may have been there with this guy: http://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/31vri8/my_experience_at_california_superbike_school/
  12. Woo. Excited it's racing season. Hoping to make a lot more races this year.
  13. Difference is I'll be riding a motorcycle regardless.
  14. I'm back to 50/50 again. Just realized the first OMRL race is that weekend. Doh. Have to decide which I want to do more, ride in the rain for four days or race in the rain one day.
  15. Bowl of soup yes, britches will clean but well used. Come get it.
  16. Look for these links towards the bottom left of the calendar: Download as iCal Subscribe to this calendar
  17. I only have the 16th and 17th off, unfortunately. However, Earache may be able to go if you go earlier.
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