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Everything posted by Casper

  1. until
  2. If it were two male teachers and a female student, this would be a completely different conversation. Can you say your 16yr old self wouldn't have been down for the rodeo? I sure can't.
  3. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/106133-1012-neo-to-seo-and-back/
  4. How many cruises have you been on? Probably could've bought a few Chargers... and garages....
  5. Casper


    They didn't ask what you wanted to use?
  6. Okay. I'll wait to see what IPB says about it. Is anyone else getting this "with 1 checked post" popup?
  7. Can you check now and see if you see it?
  8. I think I may have fixed it. Maybe. I have a ticket open with Invision Power (makers of the forum software) just in case.
  9. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/sep/28/lz-granderson/lz-granderson-obama-has-bombed-twice-many-muslim-c/
  10. I'm working on it. Trying to figure out where it's coming from. You shouldn't see anything like that. Post up the picture here so others can chime in if they're seeing it also.
  11. ? I'm not sure what you're talking about. Can you take a screenshot of it? The only box I can think of only shows up when you check the box next to the post number in a post. But it should only pop up when you have something checked.
  12. Rep is working fine on Tapatalk and the full site. I'll look into the mobile site soon.
  13. We've got a tshirt guy here on OR that made our shirts. If you want I'll reach out to him.
  14. Should be. Upgraded servers, switched from Lighttpd to Nginx, and switched MySQL to MariaDB. Should be a lot faster now. Oh, and upgraded all forum software packages.
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