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Everything posted by Casper

  1. http://www8.hp.com/hpnext/posts/discover-day-two-future-now-machine-hp Wow.
  2. No fuel filter on a fuel injected vehicle is scary. I'd put a fuel filter on it. Much rather replace a clogged filter than a clogged injector.
  3. Well that sucks. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/michael-schumacher-latest-retired-racing-driver-will-remain-an-invalid-for-the-rest-of-his-life-9549319.html
  4. I avoid Logan like the plague. I fly into Manchester and drive. So much easier (and no tolls). Frankfort is my least favorite airport. So damn big. O'Hare has those sweet automatic toilet seat covers. Oakland is easier for San Francisco, as long as no crazy guy decides it's a good day to set his truck on fire at the tolls. Cleveland is a shithole and flights are never on time. Newark is fine as long as you don't have to transfer terminals. Munich is nice. I could keep going...
  5. Funny. I was just telling a guy on an airplane yesterday that all the cities are the same. He was appalled that I didn't think San Francisco was just this amazing city. The bars are the same, the restaurants are the same, the hotels are the same, the airports are the same, the people are the same, etc. Texas, California, New York, etc. Only the scenery and weather changes.
  6. I read it like ten times thinking I must be reading it wrong.
  7. Sounds like clogged fuel filter. Probably tarnish. Hopefully not a clogged injector. Replace the fuel filter. If it starts after that, run some sea foam through it.
  8. It's just a cookie, so it either works or doesn't. I'll check and see if anyone else is having a problem though.
  9. If you check the box and it still keeps asking, then your browser is blocking cookies. I did an update for Tapatalk a week or so ago. That's probably what caused the change you're seeing. I don't control the Tapatalk code. I'll see if anyone else is complaining about it on their forums. It doesn't happen to me, so I'm not sure.
  10. Have fun guys. Wish I could make it, but it's just not in the cards for me this weekend. Be safe everyone.
  11. Anyone else who travels for work have this issue? I'm in EST, I feel like I'm in PST. I'm in PST, I feel like I'm in EST. It never fails. It's even worse when I'm in Europe. Sleeping just doesn't happen.
  12. That's awesome. I'm regularly checking Tesla and SpaceX open positions.
  13. That's what he said. That if we don't colonize other planets, humans will be extinct.
  14. Casper

    wait, what?!?

    Headline on CNN...
  15. I wish I'd known about that. Definitely saving for the next trip.
  16. Can you keep up with bicycles?
  17. I'm not sure if I'm riding this year or not. I haven't had much time free to ride and haven't even signed up yet. If I don't, I'm most likely in for moto-escort.
  18. Geez, I know I'm out of shape but that was just mean.
  19. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/06/18/spacex_can_get_mankind_on_mars_in_10_or_12_years_claims_elon_musk/
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