...who'd be interested in being on the board of directors? No pay obviously. All volunteer. Monthly meetings would be mandatory (30-60 mins) which you could call in for if you're out of town or can't make it. Meetings will be at bars, members' houses, restaurants, etc. Nothing formal, although we will have to take minutes per state law. The mission of the non-profit would be to raise money for charities decided by the board, raise awareness of motorcycles, rider safety education, and connecting all riders in Ohio. I have lots of ideas but no time and little help to get things done. As a non-profit with a board of directors, we could accomplish so much more and do a lot in our communities. If I go this direction, I will be hand picking the first board. It will then be up to a vote every X year(s). The site, servers, etc will be wholly owned by the non-profit (I'll be donating it all to the non-profit).
If you're interested, shoot me a PM. Include any experience that would be relevant. Anything from management, finances, administrative assistant, web hosting, programming, marketing social networking, etc can be relevant experience.
This is currently just a feeler. Thinking things through.