I read the other day that it's actually illegal for the US to default. Supposedly there are actually provisions which allow for the US to do all necessary to pay existing debts, and that raising the debt ceiling simply prevents new expenditures. True?
http://behindthewall.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/14/20957509-china-state-media-blasts-us-shutdown-calls-for-a-de-americanized-world?lite New World Order. Conspiracy theorists, now is your time to shine. Yikes.
For those who don't know, John is the guy who parked his BMW out front of the Cleveland MC Show. Yes, even in six inches of snow. He holds the record from Alaska to Florida. He was a helluva guy, helluva rider.
I don't even know what to say. I'm still processing it.
So there was this: http://rt.com/news/fukushima-radiation-japan-nuclear-974/ And just now, this: http://rt.com/news/japan-earthquake-near-fukushima-083/ Japan isn't fairing so well.
Great gravel road bike. Great on-road commuter. Not so much an off-road bike. I've been reading lots of reviews. There are much better bikes out there if you're wanting to do any trail riding. If you're looking to get lost in rural Ohio on some dirt/gravel roads then ride home it seems to be a sweet bike.
http://www.motorcycleshows.com/cleveland January 31st to February 2nd, 2014 This year's discount code for $3 off each ticket: PCBS14 It's that time of year again. This year I'm planning on bringing mini-me. Saturday seems to be the easiest day due to travel. Any interest in putting together a dinner/after thing? Having my son with me, I won't be drinking/partying. I'd be game for food though.