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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I need a few more years under my belt before I'm willing to attempt something like that. It's not a climb of Everest, but still a heck of a challenge.
  2. http://teapartyeconomist.com/2013/01/02/yes-we-have-no-solutions-we-have-no-solutions-today/
  3. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/31/Fiscal-cliff-deal-41-1-in-tax-increases-to-spending-cuts-ratio $41 in new taxes for every $1 in cuts. What. The. Fuck.
  4. I've heard good things about AD Farrow.
  5. http://www.nbcnews.com/business/economywatch/taxes-are-rising-it-could-have-been-more-painful-1C7800803 My taxes are going up by quite a bit. I'd be totally okay with this if for every dollar they raised taxes they also cut a dollar of spending. But alas, that's not the case. Oh, and we have the debt ceiling fiasco coming up again because our debt is STILL GROWING and our politicians seem incapable of making hard decisions. /rant
  6. I'll PM you my guy's contact info. Good buddy of mine. Refi'd my house, and I think Max Power's also.
  7. Class will be Sunday Jan 20th at 10am in Nashport at the firehouse located at 146 and 16. Cost is $20 ($15 for class, $5 donation to firehouse). This class is normally $50-60. Be sure to thank Midget Todd for hooking this up. You will receive an American Heart Association CPR Certification good for 2 years. Class size is limited to 10-12. The first to say they're going for sure are in. List so far: 1) Scruit 2) Scruit's +1 3) Scruit's +2 4) Casper 5) cbrgirl 6) Jst2fst 7) OsuMj 8) Isaac's Papa 9) Isaac's Papa's +1 10) Dying Shadow 11) Gump 12) cmh_sprint This info is from this thread: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=101216 Todd asked me to start a new, official thread. Map: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=6705+Dillon+Hills+Dr.+Licking+Township&hl=en&sll=37.6,-95.665&sspn=54.098673,85.341797&hnear=6705+Dillon+Hills+Dr,+Licking,+Muskingum,+Ohio+43830&t=m&z=17
  8. Happy new year everyone.
  9. Casper

    I'm back!!

    Welcome back amigo.
  10. Casper

    NYE Plans?

    Oh man, I bet that's awesome.
  11. http://www.dmcityview.com/2012/12/26/rural-caucus-chair-state-should-ban-confiscate-semi-automatic-guns/
  12. Welcome back. What bike are you looking to get?

  13. http://view.ed4.net/v/8MH3V6/33245/HJN18XF/X7NM5J/ Coupon code SAVE20
  14. I'll call you later. I'll probably swing out and grab some if that's cool.
  15. You're a good man Charlie Brown. Thanks for helping buddy.
  16. Read this the other day and figured I'd pass it along.
  17. Some good does, just not much.
  18. Sweet. Let's chat about it tonight.
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