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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Chm had a great idea. Next year on the first night, we'll have an hour or two long meet and greet type thing. That way folks can meet and find someone to ride with.
  2. I can't wait to see some of the pics from this weekend. Get home safe everyone.
  3. Fire at our cabin (cabin #545) tonight. Probably around 830p. Hope everyone is having fun.
  4. You didn't get the ball rolling... Just chill bud. This ain't our first rodeo. It hasn't even been four full business days since we placed the order. An OR member is making them for us when he can for a fantastic price. We ordered over 160 shirts I believe. Give it some time.
  5. Relax young Jedi. As was posted in the actual tshirt thread, info will be posted as we know more. I'm waiting to hear what the final price is going to be. Most likely they'll be around $10. Larger sizes might be a bit more. Shipping will be additional if needed/wanted. All proceeds will go back to the site.
  6. I don't know why no one will fulfill Shawn's request which he so eloquently wrote on his pad of paper.
  7. Is that Jinu in bondage!?
  8. Tshirt order? OR? I want one!
  9. I'm 90% sure I'm riding down. Maybe leaving tonight. Anyone else riding down? I thought there was a thread about this already, but I can't find it.
  10. $175.015, a paperclip, a piece of yarn, and some chewed bubble gum.
  11. I like Honda Northwest. Bought a few bikes there. Always have great experiences.
  12. Welcome aboard. You should join us around a fire at Fontana Village on Saturday, June 9th.
  13. Nothing like spending $50 on mediocre food and pretty bad service only to hear about the waitresses bitching about the "damn motorcycle group".
  14. I'm just happily quoting one of the smartest men on this planet.
  15. Thanks everyone for the support. I'm on day nine of not smoking and have raised almost $100. Woot.
  16. Holy crap. So far, we're at 167 t-shirts requested. By far the largest order we've ever done. Wow.
  17. I'm leaving Wednesday night also. Might stay the night at my folk's place and finish the trip Thursday morning.
  18. Thanks man. It's been a decade and a half since I started smoking, and around a decade since I last rode a bicycle. Promises to be interesting.
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