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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Sorry to hear man. Hope it heals quickly.
  2. Damn. That's exactly what I'm looking for.
  3. Thanks everyone. It was a helluva a birthday indeed, with special thanks sent to mother nature and my awesome wife.
  4. That was a helluva storm folks. But hey, we beat Netflix and others at getting back online. Thanks South Central Power!! http://redtape.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/06/30/12491298-everything-good-is-down-storm-knocks-netflix-instagram-offline?lite
  5. Yeah, I think it's safe to assume you won't miss us. They are going to have a table for us. You can probably just ask when you get there if you don't see us right away.
  6. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=95063
  7. OR T-Shirt Pickup Round One - Tonight (6/29/12) at Rule 3 - 7PM to 9PM If you ordered a shirt and would like to pick it up, we'll be at Rule 3 (map and info below) from 7PM until around 9PM tonight. It was posted in another thread, but I wanted to make it official. Bring cash. Shirts are $10 each for XS through XL. XXL and larger are $11. Your name has to be on the list of those who ordered. If you didn't get in on the order process, don't worry. We'll have another one. For those looking for a payment link, I'm still having issues with getting an accurate price for shipping. I'll get it up as soon as I can. Map and info: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=rule+3&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=47.617464,71.103516&hq=rule+3&t=m&z=15&iwloc=A PS: I'll give more advanced notice for the next one. This week has been insanely hectic and I apologize.
  8. Working on it. I'm in training this week. Sorry. It'll be soon I promise. PS: They look awesome.
  9. And it will be Shawn giving you your shirt, not me.
  10. It'll most likely be Friday evening (like 6p-8p or later) in Pickerington somewhere. I'm basically going to sit with the box of shirts and wait for people to come get them. I'm leaning towards Rule 3. More info coming soon.
  11. I should have something ready soon. The multiples and shipping are giving me fits. For those wanting to pick them up here locally, I'm going to work on setting something up in the evening one night this week and one night next week.
  12. I hope to make it. I say that every year though...
  13. I'm right handed and much faster in rights.
  14. c7fx is the new Penguin Bashing champion with a score of : 3235.000 Head over to the Arcade to claim your trophy!
  15. Fantastic first post. vvvpr: http://www.google.com/search?q=vvvpr http://www.veritasvirtualvengeance.com https://twitter.com/#!/VVVPR So you really get paid to go around to websites like this, and post this stuff??
  16. Eh. Why don't you come down here to have a fire and drink?
  17. Payment link was supposed to be up tonight, but I'm slacking.
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