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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I was just talking about this. Why not in the middle of Utah or somewhere remote? Why Chicago of all places?
  2. http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/04/25/milwaukee-red-cross-told-to-prep-for-chicago-evacuation-during-nato-summit/ Makes this story a bit more interesting: http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/12151651-418/local-nato-hosts-red-faced-over-red-zone-militarization-plan.html
  3. Yup. Funny enough, he appeals to most everyone on both sides of the aisle. He's the perfect compromise for the masses, and a decent, honest human being. That beats the presidential status quo.
  4. This. Last year I donated all of the Supporter subscriptions for a month or two to the Red Cross's tsunami fund. This year I'm giving them away if you go donate blood. I'm on the board of directors for Ohio Motorcyclists for Children, which has raised quite a bit of money for the Children's Hospital Foundation. I try to help people stranded on the side of the road just because. I care very much about my fellow man. The government is NOT a charity.
  5. Sweet! I added a year to your Supporter subscription. It expires on 3/9/2017 now, so I think you're good for a while.
  6. Wait... that doesn't make sense. "If you hate socialism, move to a socialist/communist country."
  7. Crap, you found me out.
  8. Not out to get us per se, just our money. There's not nearly enough money in a cure to cover what they're making now.
  9. Big pharm won't let it happen.
  10. http://www.staples.com/Samsung-S24B240BL-24-LED-Monitor/product_458095?storeId=10001&cj=true&AID=10422268&CID=AFF%253A3668349%253A3668349%253A10422268&cm_mmc=CJ-_-3668349-_-3668349-_-10422268&PID=3668349
  11. Funny. That's something I've said numerous times. I think to get a license you need to be able to drive everything except commercial vehicles. This way people know what it's like from all perspectives.
  12. First I want to say I know, some of you are getting it twice. Sorry. My bad. After I hit send I realized I had a few wrong URL's for the sponsors. Other than the fixed links, they're the same. I think only around 100 incorrect ones went out (as opposed to the total of 5400~). If you don't receive it, first relax. It can take up to eight hours for the email queue to send them all out. If you don't have it by tomorrow morning, check to make sure your email address is current and that you have "receive emails from administrators" turned on. If both are okay, let me know and I'll see what I can find out. And of course, you can always view it here: http://www.ohioriders.net/newsletter/index.html
  13. Or "Brandon's Dick Squeezers"....
  14. Casper

    about me

    Welcome aboard.
  15. Do you have OR related videos on YouTube? If so, be sure to tag them with ohioriders.net so we can easily find them. Thanks.
  16. As you all know (or should know), May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. In commemoration, we're going to have a virtual blood drive. Sounds hilarious, I know. For your time and generous blood donation that could very well save someone's life, I'm going to give you a free one year Supporter subscription. If you're already a Supporter, you'll get a one year extension. Here's all you have to do (it's rather simple actually): Step 1) Go donate blood. Anywhere. I don't care. Step 2) Take a picture (or have a picture taken) of you giving blood. Before. During. After. Whatever. Step 3) Post the picture here in this thread before the end of May. That's it. Once the picture is posted here, I'll take care of the Supporter part. It's a win/win. You possibly save someone's life AND get a free one year Supporter subscription. For places to donate blood: http://www.redcross.org
  17. They aren't broke, he has one PM that's corrupt. That's it.
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