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Everything posted by Casper

  1. $20 for you to kill it with fire.
  2. Definitely under a rock. Wow. You ever watch South Park?
  3. Casper


    I was thinking the same thing. The only ones moved out of public view have been spam. Lol.
  4. Very cool. Have fun with that thing. Looks like a blast.
  5. That really sucks. I'm very sorry to hear. You and your family are certainly in my thoughts and prayers.
  6. Haven't had time. At this point we're already half-way through. Doh.
  7. And that's the day I become the crazy old man living in the woods.
  8. See I'm on the other side of the fence. There's enough product placement and advertisements in my life. I really don't want to be driving down Coca Cola Highway every day. Plus, we pay taxes for the upkeep of our roads. If they can't manage that money efficiently, maybe there's another issue here to fix instead of throwing more money at it. Just my two cents.
  9. http://www2.ohio-votes.com/news/2012/mar/16/ohio-consider-selling-highway-sponsorships-ar-967532/ Thoughts?
  10. It'll be fun. Definitely looking forward to it.
  11. http://fbcdn-video-a.akamaihd.net/cfs-ak-ash4/438511/257/3171397958395_40426.mp4?oh=30bef03e85789d54eca1d29c597f80f8&oe=4F651000&__gda__=1332023296_67507528964971263b0df9f26c6cc2d7
  12. Casper

    Ah Spring!

    Need to get that wife of yours to buy you a motorcycle.
  13. Bummer. A buddy and I were just talking about this. Oh well. Congrats on the quick sale.
  14. There's a lot more to that story...
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