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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Motorcycles > sportsball
  2. Austin is very different than the rest of the state.
  3. Damn skippy! Just ask @Tonik. PS: I like how you blacked out Travis' last name.
  4. I've lived here my whole life. If we took away the cold/snow/salt of winter I'd love it. Ever been to Austin, TX?
  5. You sure are a glass half full kinda guy. I'd rather have 3 or less at this point. Spring, Summer, and Fall are great. The older I get, the more winter sucks. Have you seen the price of a 2bdr condo in downtown Columbus? Yes, our cost of living has been great, but it's skyrocketing quickly. I can't think of a state that doesn't have this same quality. Maybe Maryland? I'm not so sure I'd use our sports teams as a positive for Ohio. Sure some are doing exceptionally well this year, but that's the problem; this year is the exception. Our sports teams generally suck. There are many tracks in warmer states. Of course DC costs a metric shit ton more than Ohio. Several places can claim this as well that are warmer. Like Georgia, Tennessee, western North/South Carolina, etc... Fuck spiders.
  6. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/productlist?sn=5769
  7. https://www.blueapron.com Looks intriguing. I've been thinking about trying it out.
  8. Saturday is winning now. Get your votes in. I'll probably close this today or tomorrow to start getting things planned.
  9. It's gone for now, maybe forever. I have a technical/legal issue to deal with. I cache locally any images posted. This is how I get around the non secure content issues with SSL (hotlinked images often aren't hosted at SSL domains). Unfortunately, this means images are cached and hosted on my server. For NSFW stuff, this is a concern for a few reasons. Namely, I'm not interested in hosting adult content for so, so many reasons. The NSFW forum wasn't visited by many to begin with, and there are better sources anyways. For the time being, it's gone. Whether I bring it back or not is yet to be decided. Sorry for anyone upset/bothered by this. I hope this at least explains why.
  10. Welcome. Most of us want to get out of Ohio. This website helps keep your sanity though during the winter.
  11. Casper


    Actually a security update a couple days ago broke it. It'll be fixed shortly.
  12. Probably find a hotel with a decent group rate, and find a place that can handle us for dinner and drinks.
  13. Want me to post this on the OR Facebook page?
  14. Pittsburgh has some great sports teams too. It still sucks. So, AIM expo, I'm going to see what I can throw together. Anyone interested in helping?
  15. I can setup a video conference line for folks that can't make it if you'll want. Lol.
  16. Throughout the years we've had weekly/monthly stuff that's always been a hit. Just hard to keep it going when I'm always so damn busy. Going to try it again.
  17. I agree with Sundays, and it looks like it's the winner so far. I'll let this go a few more days then start getting something together. Anyone that has suggestions for places to go let me know.
  18. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
  19. He has a lot of weird fetishes, but none of them involve Amish chicks. Just sayin'...
  20. If you text me about it, I'll get it tonight. Haven't had a US SIM card in my phone since Saturday.
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