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Everything posted by Casper

  1. This is what mobile looks like. No zooming to read anything.
  2. But you use Tapatalk on your little phone, which itself is just a web browser.
  3. I'm confused. Why do you have to use your laptop?
  4. I guess it's not math, so I shouldn't be surprised.
  5. I should clarify. I'm not asking if anyone is having problems with it. Just wondering who is still using it. I will be removing it from this site soon due to security and privacy concerns, meaning it won't work on Ohio Riders soon.
  6. 2tall. Is there another Tim using it?
  7. Sweet looking bike. Welcome.
  8. Pics of the finished product. Integrated taillight, undertail, flushmount turnsignals, and Ram mount for the phone. And, a shot of my little dude helping.
  9. Actually, I think he ditched it recently.
  10. I'm hoping to uninstall it soon due to privacy and security concerns. Who all is still using it?
  11. Weird. I've used K&N oil filters exclusively for over ten years. Now you all have me worried.
  12. Casper

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Those the grandkids? Homecoming?
  13. I was sick and tired of broken turn signals (horrible design, Triumph), so today I installed an integrated taillight and undertail. Later tonight I'll be installing the flushmount front turn signals. Also threw on the Ram mount while I was out there. If the USB socket shows up today I'll be throwing that on as well. Ready for the next trip. Where are we heading @cmh_sprint? ?
  14. Give them a call and see what they say.
  15. Casper

    Ohio LinuxFest

    Technically Wu Tang wasn't at DerbyCon... Last time I went to Open World, they had Pearl Jam, Crystal Method, and a bunch of others.
  16. Anyone have time to call around and try to get a group rate going for a hotel? There's a Hampton in about twenty minutes north in New Castle.
  17. On a side note; who all would be interested in going? Should we get something planned for it? Camping? Hotel?
  18. I keep hoping motorcycle racing will come back to Mid Ohio....
  19. Casper

    Ohio LinuxFest

    Not as cool as Open World, but we can't all throw events with Oracle money.
  20. Casper

    Ohio LinuxFest

    Nope. But Warner (one of the guys hanging out with us a bit at Derbycon) is one of the guys that helps put it on. It's a pretty cool event.
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