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Everything posted by Putty

  1. That damn GTR is cold as ICE!! http://www.fototime.com/E7F814D8ECCAFB9/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/06F4CFD532BD318/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/2D6084E26B95772/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/7D554F7466505B0/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/0F003F636B5EB15/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/A75D0F0EA85A2A0/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/009B0DC41E62B96/orig.jpg
  2. I put paper all over my shoes so no one knows it me. I wear fancy shoes...dead giveaway.
  3. HEEEEEEY, that's the stock on my AR.
  4. I got Ben Frank 12 times waiting... No. That gun is good for 300-400yds shots.
  5. Here are the others... http://www.fototime.com/760FAAE3B078B69/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/CA436F35371914F/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/E222473DD64395D/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/A534DBE5A28287A/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/16BF4FB0C233781/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/8C75BB406458B60/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/470610A4B50B4CD/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/426519B713B7738/orig.jpg
  6. Not only that...it's insanely FAST!!!!
  7. That guy has a lot more cars than that. He's loaded..!!
  8. Yet again....I have beef with no one except Flounder. Year round beef. Anyways, I have a lot of friends that work there and I tend to go there a lot to just walk around and admire. Therefore, please don't portray me as a person having beef cause I know what's going to happen...it's gonna get back and i'll spend the entire summer saying "Lizard took that the wrong way blah blah". So they have to be doing well if no other deal "In that category" won the trip, right.......right. Are you looking for a reach around too? I mean seriously...I go in a dealer knowing what I want. I just want you to make the price right and be respectful to me. That's IT. I don't care if I need to meet you in a doublewide trailer...I want the unit lower than anyone else is willing sell it to me. Dealers whether bikes, cars, boats or planes want units OUT the door. No good to them in the building. I have no idea. I'd like to know though. So totally can't compare the changes in technology to a building. I so didn't say the mouse thing happens...Thanks for those words...went well with my eggs. I never see their ads, so I have no idea what you're talking about nor do I ever visit their website. Jeff is just having fun as you are with that pretty new 1000 you bought... I'll play, but when I get time. This isn't high priority to me...hell, it's not my shit. Depends on how much you spent before you start to realize you just dished out a lot of cash. On the AR-15 I just built. 10% was $40 bucks on a part that offered me free shipping. I searched google for 15 mins looking for the coupon code. So it does matter. You're looking at the convenience of it all. Often times the ability to have it now is worth a few $$ more....I agree. Lastly, You win on this argument and the other cause it appears there is no end to it, so whatever you come back with I don't intend on replying. I've spent too much time talking about stuff that matters very little to me. I know where i'll buy bikes and so do you. Your deal isn't helping me and vice versa. Therefore, all this talk is useless. Just for people that don't know much about prices...DO YOUR HOMEWORK. It is very possible to get taken on a deal no matter how sweet the dealer makes it look. If you get took and find out later...don't be mad at them, it's business. You were too anxious and lazy to shop.
  9. Tell me the "I need money now price"
  10. Putty


    I love this forum
  11. You forgot to add my SSN, address and credit score. No recipe for YOU!!
  12. It was there home...If you past the restrooms and enter that door beyond it...You'll end up in a kitchen. Jeff and Joyce LIVED there until they built the home they live in now. The current service guy lives there now..So someone is there ALL the time. Who cares what people say about it. That's the status quo there and what's working. No need to change it. Regular maintenance and sell bikes. That is what allows them to sell bikes lower, their overhead is minimal. Pony or others can do that here and there, but I am sure not as much as they can. Ya..I realize what you do..I take ur bait way more than I have time to while at work, but whatever Is that Hinds fault or the person who bought a bike for $8999 and financed $12,354?? I'll agree it is a shady practice, but i'm a firm believer of if you ask dumb questions you'll get dumb answers. We'll see about that if I get the 09 R1. Thanks, MJ....I'm good on that. Likewise. Looking forward to it.
  13. OK....first off, I don't have a problem with anyone or any shop for that matter. That shit with HNW....I'm over it, so refrain from making me out to be the problem guy. I'm stating what I feel, my opinion. Agree or not...that's fine with me. Wrong...One of the big 4 just sent Josh and his wife to Hawaii for having the most sales in the area. Why do you feel just because business is nice they need to go and build a 30K sq ft building? What they have is working...why fix it. I agree there...one stop shop NO I DONT!!! Do you really want to play this game...You know as well as I do there are 5 items in there that's cheaper elsewhere..I mean, dude be real There is no doubt in my mind that Pony isn't doing great. I am sure they are and will continue to...that's great. Most likely 10% cheaper..Is cheaper...cheaper to you or do you have to get a certain % off to be "cheaper" to you? So you've never done this...not once, never?
  14. I respect that. Right so why not make the consumer help as much as possible... I think you answered your own question. I underlined it for ya.
  15. I respect your opinion, bigbluebird, but your situation is different. Reason I say this is because I heard your story from the people there several times and 2+2 isn't equaling 4. Several people there are personal friends of mine and pretty much tell me things the way they are. I don't know you and I know how things get misconstrued, embellished and over exaggerated on the internet. NOT saying that is what you're doing, but I know how it happens. We have already all agreed the service there is not MMI, but it's all they have. Maybe you bike wasn't fixed the three times you took it there because the mechanic was ignorant to what was going on....the last place you took it wasn't. It happens. You say the sale isn't the only thing that establishes repeat business and you're correct. However, the first question usually when someone gets a new bike is.."What did ASK sell you that for"? Mostly cause the bottom line is what matters. If a place was rude to me...i'd leave and not give them my business at all. We all have different experiences with places and this could go on forever...just like the HNW thread I made a while ago(biggest thread on this forum to date). I guess it's safe to say any bike I buy will come from there. If yours, his and hers doesn't, so be it, we're all out riding....Later If this means you expect every dealer to offer you a unit at rock bottom prices w/o haggle, you need to think again. It doesn't happen.
  16. You're kidding I hope. Pony is the most expensive on most things they sell. Most people simply go there to try on what they want..verify the size needed then go home and order online....cheaper w/shipping. You think it's going to be any different with bikes...I think not...watch and see. As soon as they are open for bike sales...I will take a day of the dealer running for an 09 R6. Who will be cheaper of all dealers in Cols? Place bets now!
  17. Yes, I just said this. Sorry, I have no white meat to give ya. You can get all the dark meat you can take from me though....
  18. Cause they can and there is nothing you can do about it but complain online...leave work and go buy the very gas.
  19. Putty


    Read it to me? What's >3 or<3
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