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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. He'd benifit if his receivers would catch the ball when it hits them in their hands.
  2. I really don't know. I think I have the box. LOL I'm a complete noob to this. Edit- Don't have the box I guess.
  3. Sounds fun, timing was bad for me, would have loved to come out, I have a .310 WinMag rifle, glass ,bi-pod, and 80 rounds my Dad left me. I have never shot it and have no clue how to use the glass. I saw him shoot it in AZ once, but that's it.
  4. Place was empty and the business was closed.
  5. FMLA should protect your employment, unless I'm reading this wrong.
  6. Because they love the drama, otherwise they would just put him on ignore.
  7. I'd like to see that sexy beast. Mine is dirty too may just run it through the touchless car wash.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/events/425798927768636??ti=ia Looks like all cars are welcome.
  9. Well at 4th Friday in Westerville when the owner of a Evans Automotive has a couple of cars out on the street promoting the Italian Gathering (that's him in the burgundy shirt and the fabulous farmer tan) and your son wants a pic badly of an Aventador, and finally the crowd parts so you can get him his shot, I can't be too picky of the folks behind the car.
  10. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. Also to continue to call anyone leftist for protesting white nataionalism, neo-nazis, and the KKK, shows me all I need to know about you. I know of several republicans that have and are currently protesting these groups. These people are left, middle, and right. There is only one side here. http://www.dailywire.com/sites/default/files/mitt_romney_antifa_tweet.jpg
  12. Sorry, hate speech is not protected under the first amendment. "In 1942, the Supreme Court ruled that "fighting words" are not protected under the First Amendment. The Court defines fighting words as "those which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace." Huffington Post reporter Christopher Mathias tweeted a video of demonstrators yelling, "Fuck you, faggots at counterprotesters: https://mobile.twitter.com/letsgomathias/status/896379733050634240/video/1 A few hours later, Washington Post reporter Joe Heim said he heard demonstrators chanting, "Go the fuck back to Africa," and the n-word at a black woman across the street. Constitutional law experts say these last two examples may not be protected forms of speech. "You could make the case that it was an insulting epithet, obviously a slur and racist comment that would provoke someone to retaliate," said Caroline Mala Corbin, a constitutional law professor at the University of Miami. When "fighting words" became exempt from protection under the Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire ruling, it was based on the idea that such language did nothing to further public discourse, and instead inflicted harm on people. Based on that, Mala Corbin says use of "faggot" and the n-word at Saturday's demonstration would clearly fit this category of unprotected speech.
  13. No, from my minority family and friends I am around and hang out with and see it with my own fucking eyes.
  14. There is only one side if you are American homie, and it's Anti-Fascist. That is America, we fight wars and arm people to over throw Facsist governments. It's what the American military does.... What "Radical group" are we speaking of? And if you are going to name BLM, you still don't understand racisim in this country. Quit thinking they want to take your white privalage away, they want to be treated the same as you is all. I don't think that is too much to ask, after all the Declaration of Independence states in the beginning: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 241 years later all men and women are not treated equally in this country. Fact.
  15. Now it's ruined, I wanted to see how far the stupid went or how long it would take.
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