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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. You wrote: Quote: Originally Posted by RC K9 and those kids that aren't quite like the rest of the herd are diagnosed with some kind of disorder and put on meds to fall in line. My daughter is one of those kids, however they are not just given the meds, she has an IEP, they have to take her to a different class. Yeah my daughter can't learn to read by memorizing sight words, but in order to be taught to read with phonetics (the way most of us older folk learned) she has to have an IEP and leave the rest of the class. I agree about the learning part, but the way it comes across is all us parents do is medicate and let the school handle it. That is not the case. We spend hours with her.
  2. They are pretty hard on you in the comments over those mirrors. Why are they mounted at different heights?
  3. http://autoweek.com/article/car-life/vic-edelbrock-jr-1936-2017
  4. Great response. Kudos. The amount of time effort and tears that have been put into getting my daughter to learn to read with ADD and Dyslexia, her passing her 3rd grade reading proficiency on her own, without relying on her IEP to move on to 4th grade. Yeah we just gave her a pill and a pat on the head and all is well. Kids are mean, the shit she endures because she has to do extra work to be on the same level. If you remember school at all the kids that leave to do extra work and miss out on music class, (her favorite time in school) they know they are different and make sure she knows they know. Amazing she's still an amazing positive child and is very social. Dude has no clue how offensive he is being. SMH
  5. One reason I sold mine, the other is I wanted a vert. But yeah I think that car will be close to $50k and that's new corvette territory so.....
  6. Yuuuuuuge generalization, I disagree, I don't let the bad few skew the majority. Sure I know a couple of questionable parents and their methods, but the vast majority I know put in effort and time. I see many at school functions, sports, recreational activities, and other places. Sometimes we joke we see each other just as much as we see our family.
  7. Knock on wood, 16 years this month and counting. The struggle is real.
  8. Trump embarrassed him in public many times and he continues to gargle Trump's balls on a daily basis. That guy makes no sense at all. (Cruz)
  9. Thanks Anthony, I bought this one, comes with a blue iridium shield too. Looking it up the CL-17 is M2010 certified. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. Iron Pony, $50 2XL in stock. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. They checked mine last spring, and told me it was old.
  12. Yes we will, that guy has to have a grinder account, someone will out him. Anyone that homophobic can't control themselves, so they hate. :lolguy:
  13. They did it for years there and they were racing to the 1320 ft mark, now they race to the 1000 foot mark and it's too short?! I saw 330+ MPH and sub 4 sec ET in the 1320. :dumb:
  14. Says subscribe to get the full story....
  15. Ok "Talking Dead" after Walking Dead is so boring, is this going to be the new thing now to have a talk show after every "big budget" show? Talking Trek? :dumb:
  16. Your man crush on me is tiresome.
  17. Yeah CBS can go fuck themselves. Not paying $6-$10 a month to watch this.
  18. Shithead has a 12, 13, and 16 year old kids, Yeah he can sing, but fuck that's so selfish and shitty to do to your children if it is a suicide. I can't comprehend it, and never will.
  19. Why the fuck would you camp out for 2 days infront of IKEA starting June 5th so you can be one of the first few in the store, when you can drive to Cincinnati June 5th and buy what you need? I don't get it... I swear in my mind a 4 hr drive is easier than camping for 2 days on concrete....
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