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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. Wasn't there a guy on here that posted a GQ pic of himself with a pink gun? If I recall corectly that was a pretty funny thread.
  2. $75 will get you a good dinner.
  3. Pending the disbanding of Anthony's neighbors standing in front of his house with pitch forks and torches blazing chanting, "no more cars!".
  4. ORLY? http://www.macrumors.com/2012/01/18/macs-landing-on-corporate-desks-led-by-iphones-and-ipads/
  5. I have a couple of 49er fans as friends and they think Ginn is a bum.
  6. My jackass rig can have the gun on either side. Or a gun under each arm.
  7. Women kill me, why does it need to be pink? You are not supposed to show it to people, you don't flash it, it's not a accessory. the only person that is supposed to know you have it is yourself. Wait till she pulls it out somewhere public to show it off and she finds herself in jail for inducing panic.
  8. I'd say go for it, then go buy a Mac.
  9. He has no chance, might as well take it off now. BTW I saw a car with a Bush/Cheney Sticker still on the car today. :dumb:
  10. Baltimore hs no Defense anymore, Yates is a 3rd string QB and they allow 14pts? Niners vs pack is going to be a good game next weekend. At this point I'd like to see 49ers vs Pats. 49ers are the new top Defense in the league. 49ers to go through NO->GB-->Then Pats= world champs and no questions, beat 3 best offenses in the league = earned respect. Still mad Harbaugh gave the finger to Michigan.
  11. Going up tomorrow morning. I see Ford is doing the dyno demonstration again like last year.
  12. Only a few HP, Epson, and Cannon work with AirPrint. http://www.apple.com/iphone/features/airprint.html
  13. The iPhone can only print to certain HP printers, buy one and you can print with just the OS. Or Jailbreak and maybe there is something there.
  14. Saw it at the Drexel. Man had 1 speed, flat out.
  15. Smoke says he'd rather win that than Daytona.
  16. What's this stuff called "sleep" you all are talking about? Pretty sure when y'all talk about the "Zombie Apocalypse" you mean Parents getting mad at their children and roaming the earth.
  17. Um you can't use turn signals in this city, if you signal a lane change on 270 the person you are moving infront of floors it to close the gap. Fuck turn signals. If I'm in the turn only lane and you are under the impression I am going straight, punch your mama in the mouth for me. The only time I signal is making a left or right at an intersection where it is unclear if you are going straight or turning. I agree it sucks to wait to turn right with a car coming only to turn with no signal before it gets to you.
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