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Everything posted by owndjoo

  1. haha, what's the mileage on that sucka nowadays? askin price?
  2. haha, are you gonna sell that truck? the padre is currently in the market for a dually.
  3. chris, to be honest i'm still a suspension newb. the best thing i've learned is to go to the track with the proper sag, grab a screwdriver and hex t-handle, and have someone holding them in hot pit, go out and get warmed up/up to pace and come in, crank the rebound way in, go do a couple laps take mental notes, come in crank it way out, do a couple laps, take notes. repeat this with compression, and then set them to where they feel the best, repeat with the shock. it's the best way to get it close. i stood for hours watching the AMA practices and got to help out the Jordan guys when we shared a trackday, they pull springs, crank knobs different directions, get it close, then finely tweak it to perfection.
  4. spies will kick ass. he's gonna do some more testing on the bike this year as well. Def. look at what rog did last year, and we all know that ben is MUCH faster than rog. he will be on the 'stones i believe, if that's what suzuki is running this year, his dunlop stuff is just for the AMA. I'd say he'll easily be in he top ten, no problem.
  5. it's a ducati dealership in Indy, rubin frankenfield and matt carr run the racing stuff. rubin is a long time veteran who is VERY fast and very knowledgable, runs the suzuki development endurance team and whatnot he's my engine builder and hopefully my mentor for this year, matt is an ohlins man with lots of suspension knowledge and a disgusting lust for anything ducati. between the pair of them they should be able to dial the bike in perfectly and teach me how to adjust everything when i'm on my own. i'm hopin to drop 4 seconds at mid-ohio, that'd put me right around the top 20 in FX iirc. ran 1.34.3 multiple times at the RRGC last year. i'd actually be thrilled to just get into the .32 or .31 range, i've never pushed the front on this bike, so there's plenty of room for me to go faster in the corners too. with 20 more horse(hopefully) and a dialed in suspension i can see me doin it, not to mention i've dropped almost 15lbs from last year and am actually taking my training seriously this year. we'll see if i can do it
  6. i'm sure that if i pulled the CarrMoto boys out to the track for a couple days of testing setup that i would definitely get faster, that's actually what i'm gonna try to do this year. Now that i'm truly gonna make a run at the AMA level this year, i'm gonna be doing everything in my power to get as fast as possible come august. I'm planning on doing mid-o for sure with the possibility of VIR and Road Atlanta as well. I spent the last two years working on myself, it's the cheapest way to go fast and the most important, i got to the point last year that i was actually pushing the bike, so this year the focus is on the bike as well as furthering my skills
  7. the whole thing is though, that the bikes come setup pretty well. you can grab a bike off the showroom floor, go to the track, and turn quick laps with the proper tires, just look at the roadracingworld demos with chris ulrich on the new bikes. but there's a difference between quick laps, and racing. I personally dont really mess with geometry. i got the forks built and slapped in a shock with the ride height cranked up a lil bit, set the sag and go. then dial the suspension in on NEW tires. ride the piss outta the bike and get lots of seat time, then start really playing with it, make big adjustments to see how it feels with too much/too little damping/rebound so you will know what to adjust at different tracks when you feel that. it's all about tracktime though. and seriously, get better tires.
  8. yes you have to have the complete package, but the tires are what is actually touching the pavement. suspension means nothing if the tires can't grip. give me a shagged pirelli over a new bridgestone. me and brian often ride totally shagged out tires at trackdays and will run in the 1.36's on tires no one should be riding on(talkin cheesegraded through the wearbars with a wire showin), my suspension was nowhere near set right, but with good tires you can still go real fast. you can go out on a STOCK bike with race tires and haul ass, modern bikes come with pretty damn good suspension from the factory now, you'll gain more with tires, especially since he's already got the suspension bits, set the sag, get some pirellis or michelins and haul ass
  9. tires are the #1 thing that will make a difference. it goes Tires,suspension,motor when it comes to setup. The suspension can't do it's job if the tires dont grip and a motor is a waste if you can't hook it up. believe me it makes a hell of a difference. I tried michelins for a few weeks, couldnt do shit, switch back to pirelli and i instantly took seconds off my laps. tires are the most important part, period. also though, i didnt do any setup changes when i switched tire manufacturers. each tire requires a different setup
  10. shit i haven't put in for that.... i guess i can send that to monte. but it always seems like if you show up to help, they'll let you help whether they need you or not. smaller tracks dont usually get the amount of staff that mid-o draws.
  11. lmao, i know i know, wth is happening to me?? maybe it's that i live on my own now. haha. let's see if it translates to track.... oh and when are we gonna meet up for a beer?
  12. i've got 1.0's in the forks right now and no idea what the rear spring is. i'm def. gonna try to get a baseline setup before i bring the thing home. suspension also depends on your style. brian jumped on my bike and said it was crazy loose, but to me it never moves unless i'm on the rear brake slidin it in. Everyone has a dif. style and therefore the so called magic numbers dont work for everyone. i like to slide the bike into and out of corners, it's the mxer in me i guess. other people want the thing to be on rails and never wiggle. some people brake hard up and down and throw it in while others like to trail the brakes to apex. all require different setups
  13. i've had the same problem with my setup, although my forks had 44mm of sag and my shock 17mm when we checked at the end of the year at mid-o. so now that i've got the motor, it's time to get the suspension actually set up right so i dont end up on my head! lol oh and brian, i'm considering a 190 pirelli again this year, i guess i should talk to reuben about that, eh?
  14. wow i missed out on a hell of a thread! but i do agree with brian on the wannabe racer stuff. There's a lot of people out there that call themselves racers and talk up a game when theyve only done a few races or do local stuff like fasstracks or whatnot. if you're not someone out there chasing a series then you are just playing around. i can't wait to get to mid-o in april! shake 'er down and haul some ass
  15. lol, yea they said it made like 95hp before the tear down!! makes me feel really good about the times i was runnin at mid-o. can't wait for the final numbers and to get on that beast
  16. chris, do whatever you want buddy. it's all about what makes you happy. you've been ridin for a while and have plenty of experience, if you dont see yourself getting a lot better then why not add some bling and make the bike what you want. i'd love to be able to put some marchesinis on my gixxer for the sb/fx stuff, but i cant afford that stuff, bout the same price as buildin my motor, and the motor will make me a lot faster. do what you want and have fun with it, you seem to see it as a hobby so just have fun. not everyone is out there trying to make a career out of racing
  17. bumpity bump. make some offers guys
  18. owndjoo

    New Years eve

    i'll be downtown with a big group of ladies i guess. prolly the sugar/patio/gasworks area
  19. brian, i may be interested in that new shift suit, haven't heard from monte on the stt suits and i'm gettin ancy. also my body position will change this year, i'm learning that the elbow draggin style makes be slow in the fast transitions, i started workin on it at the end of the year. gotta move the bike more in the transitions, and hang off more in the long high speed corners and on the exits onto straightaways. keyhole is a great example. stay on the bike through the chicane and into the keyhole, then progressively increase body hang as you reach the limit of lean, allows more corner speed at max angle, as well as standing the bike up to get the power down on your drive out.
  20. oh yea, she's damn good. we'll see how she fairs on the big bikes with the big boys. hopefully she stays small and light as she grows up as well, gotta love that advantage
  21. lmao, no doubt she's quick, but brian knows my trackday pace and she came by me at the end of my out lap into t1. i'd say she was runnin a 1.36ish pace maybe, and crashed... she wasnt supposed to be on track, but kawi snuck her out, kinda bit 'em. i believe they take out a $5million policy for her at that event.
  22. she wasn't goin too fast this year... i followed here around and watched her highside right infront of me, i literally was dodging piecy parts on the exit of T1. she actually hit the big yellow curb, with her knee and then the front wheel, that lil girl SAILED.
  23. haha, brian keeps blowin it up with more hot air, i think i'll need the xxl this year!
  24. haha, yea it wasn't too bad, got to help load a pretty lil ducati. man do i wanna race one of those
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