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Everything posted by John

  1. i love detroit. he had to call 911 four times before anyone would come out.
  2. John


    i heard there was going to be 12 inches of snow!
  3. what about three 25 dollar hookers?
  4. unless this guy is cold as ice im sure it will be with him for the rest of his life.
  5. yup. thats one of the problems the tests. all they prove is that at some point in the past you did the drug. it doesnt prove you are high right now.
  6. huh? maybe i read it wrong, but i didnt see where he got less of a penalty for being under the influence. the original charge was a felony. cops fucked up the test, so they had to drop it to a misdemanor... i dont see how thats getting less of a penalty for being on drugs? the cops fucked it up.
  7. what kind of rifle do you use for this?
  8. they are also good for picking up girls with more tattoos than teeth.
  9. whenever someone lowballs me on shit like that i say "you know what? why dont you just take it for free? as matter of fact, ill actually pay YOU to take it from me." idiots.
  10. of course its a scam. if you go to the scam warning page on craigslist, its like the first one they mention.
  11. to sign up yes, but you dont have to make it display your whole name. you can also change how much the public can see of your profile... you can set it to show you have a profile when someone searches for you to no one but your friends, or to show your name and nothing else, or your name and picture, or your entire profile...
  12. when i read the title 'whole town rumbles' i was picturing a rumble... like the greasers and the socs... sharks and jets... or maybe even
  13. John


    the home of knifey wifey.
  14. John

    Free Pizza?

    free papa johns? not worth the price
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