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Everything posted by John

  1. 7. go to jail for making false emergency call. 8. surprise buttsecks.
  2. swat team is def. gonna show up now. not for the stolen property, but bc zomg ur smoking teh weedz!!!!11
  3. if you have a problem light, call ODOT or the city, or whoever operates the light. they need to come out and adjust it. traffic lights are supposed to work for all vehicles.
  4. John

    Who am I?

    hitler authorized the mass killings of people labeled as "undesirables".
  5. yeah working together never helps anything, but an us vs them mentality sure does.
  6. IMO it would be much more professional to just say "thanks" and ignore it, than to make comments like "you just gotta throw your two cents in" or "how long have you ran a dealership". i understand where you are coming from, but it just does not make you look good IMO, and it could def. turn people off to shopping there.
  7. just ride the damn thing. dings and dents give it character.
  8. John

    Who am I?

    they knew when he was born that he was destined to become president of the USA, so they smuggled him into the US so that the secret muslim prophecy could be fulfilled.
  9. yeah heard about that one at polaris on the radio this AM. hope everything is ok. and in a different location
  10. LOL he shoulda seen the hot chick that was standing on the corner to my right
  11. Well, at first I thought it was a very inappropriate question, you know, for the presidency to be decided on a scientific matter, and I think it's a theory, a theory of evolution, and I don't accept it, you know, as a theory, but I think it probably doesn't bother me. It's not the most important issue for me to make the difference in my life to understand the exact origin. I think the Creator that I know created us, everyone of us, and created the universe, and the precise time and manner, I just don't think we're at the point where anybody has absolute proof on either side. So I just don't...if that were the only issue, quite frankly, I would think it's an interesting discussion, I think it's a theological discussion, and I think it's fine, and we can have our...if that were the issue of the day, I wouldn't be running for public office. not sure how that contradicts anything? it just says he doesnt think its the most important issue. it does not change the fact that he clearly stated he denies the validity of the theory of evolution.
  12. i was just using that as an example. sorry if i was not more clear about that. my overall point was that partisan blame is good politics, but us vs them does not solve anything. you should run for office.
  13. yeah pretty sure i didnt name a party, but thanks for trying to spin it you are absolutely correct that both sides are to blame. and both sides try to spin it to their advantage. both parties suck. people who think that voting in all republicans will fix anything are just as clueless as people who think that electing obama was going to fix everything. just not gonna happen. the difference between the two parties is the velocity that their knees hit the ground for their owners. thats about it...
  14. because thats not good politics. politicians arent concerned with the problem, they are concerned with how to spin it to make them look good and the other party look bad. i break everything, then call you out for not having a plan to fix my mess. you have no ideas, and no one should vote for you. THATS good politics
  15. relevant political cartoon from 1932: funny how things change huh?
  16. lol so what? am i supposed to stare at them then? i dont really look at people next to me at lights. i may glance over for a second, usually not though.... because i dont really give a shit who is next to me.
  17. you know what though, its an open public forum. i really dont think anyone is trying to be a dick or posting maliciously, they are just saying the price is high (which it is). when you are posting on an open forum, you are going to get replies whether you like it or not... just the way of the world.
  18. of course... today, its back in stock. screw you staples.
  19. you know, its been like 4 years since i got them, so that could be incorrect... i just feel like i paid about 50 when i was at the DMV... although now that i actually think about it, i did get the title transferred too, so that was probably in there too...
  20. "I think it's a theory, the theory of evolution and I don't accept it as a theory."
  21. i read somewhere yesterday the city was trying to get the guy to sign something saying he would not sue and they would drop the bullshit charges against him. i can't find it again today though... but if true, that's some bullshit.
  22. yeah MORE cops out there making up stuff to pull you over for so they can say "papers please?" thats JUST what we need.
  23. i have em on my 750, and i also have 73 model year plates on there too. never had problem one with the historicals. i did have one douchebag cop try to write me a ticket saying the model year plate was invalid. even though it isnt as long as you are going anywhere bike related you are fine. if you DO get stopped, say you are going to a club meeting (you and your buddy are the club) or going to do some work on the bike, or are returning from doing some work on the bike at your buddies house. or you are going to get an estimate on paint/part etc etc. hell you are going to WASH it even... it costs 30 bucks a year for regular plates... the historicals are 50 bucks one time and are valid for the next 50 years. thats an expensive tank of gas. especially over 4-5-6 years...
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