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Everything posted by John

  1. http://columbus.craigslist.org/dmg/2325430298.html Need someone to play satan. (Columbus) Date: 2011-04-14, 4:54PM EDT Reply to: gigs-rst8b-2325430298@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?] Lately my son who is 9 years old has been getting a little out of hand. He has the foulest mouth I have ever heard and wont stop smoking. He talks back yells at his mother and pretty much any other bad thing you can think of a child doing . I am looking for someone willing to come to my home dressed as satan to scare my child into being good. You would need to have a devil type costume and just come in the house surrounded by smoke and scary music then just talk to him and let him know if he does not change his ways he will be joining you down in hell. Maybe explain to him that hell is hot all the time and that he will have to do homework 24 hours a day in hell (he hates homework). I feel this will scare him into being good . I dont have a lot of time or patience for the discipline stuff. Location: Columbus it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests Compensation: 10 PostingID: 2325430298 :devil:
  2. yeah i ride pretty much everywhere i can. if i dont need the truck to carry something, ill ride.
  3. yup. made millions on wall street while destroying the economy? HE HAS MY VOTE! now brb, have to go cry about my tax money being used for bailouts.
  4. i heard some cops dont like the dashcam, because then they cant pull people over for DWB
  5. so whats preventing him from just writing that down anyway?
  6. sounds like your attorney is terrible. id find a new one. this time dont get one from an ad on the back of the yellow pages.
  7. how come everyone talks about taking your gun to the bar, but no one talks about the restoration of rights?
  8. put some street tires on it and ride the street son!
  9. columbus: thurman cafe dirty franks taco nazo
  10. again, that means nothing. lots of stuff is illegal. that doesnt mean it doesnt happen. it only stops when someone gets caught, and maybe not even then.
  11. i like ATVs Y U NO POST LINK
  12. its for all the squids who think flip flops are fine and may view this thread in the future sometimes you dont really realize what can happen until you see it.
  13. i have these sidis Way rain boot. I like them because they are not as flashy as some other boots. as for riding around town, obv the race boot will provide the best protection, but if you only have work boots or something, then wear those. id stay away from tennis shoes. they will fly off in a crash.
  14. sidi or bust IMO. A* are not bad. either. the price hurts, but not as bad as this Gruesome: http://www.sports-injury-info.com/images/shauns-fractured-fibula-compound-ankle-dislocation-playing-baseball-warning-graphic-fracture-image-21312923.jpg
  15. thats how i always figured it worked. they wont come out and say "write 20 tickets a month", but they would say something like "based on our research, a good officer should write 20 tickets a month".
  16. lol honestly that means absolutely nothing. its illegal to plant evidence but that did not stop the rampart scandal ya know? apparently its only wrong if you get caught
  17. i meant to say side casting, not side mount. does the mount rotate at all? i think they were designed so that you could cast monofilament or dacron with a fly rod. ive seen some that rotate for casting then move back for reeling. there is one on ebay right now for 40 bucks. LBTS lol. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320620526799#ht_500wt_922 you have the bag, so thats a plus too.
  18. from the 40s maybe 50s. side mounted reel. they made a few models. some had a star drag, some did not.
  19. then do not accept their payoff and file an appeal.
  20. John


    this is just an argument about notation, not about actual math. the real question is "does multiplication by juxtaposition take priority?"
  21. this is like the CL ads i see... 9000 dollars... for a 6000 dollar bike with "3k worth of aftermarket parts. " does not work that way lol.
  22. credit is for chumps. i pay straight cash for everything like the baller i am.
  23. IMO wait until you take the MSF before you start riding around. you are going to develop bad habits that are going to be harder to break the longer you do them.
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