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Everything posted by John

  1. even if they dont get her for the stop sign, they will get her for parking too close to the intersection. that one is a crapshoot, beacuse EVERYONE parks like that down here. i had a ticket like that before and i wanted to throttle the metermaid, because there was a car at each corner of the intersection, all parked like i was, right at the corner, yet i was the only one to get a ticket... maybe she was running late or something. then there was the guy who tried to give me a ticket for expired meter at 8:30pm when the meter turned off at 8. meter readers = too dumb to pass the test to become a cop lol
  2. not according to joseph smith.
  3. yeah you should never just up and pay. at least make them work for it.
  4. yup. idle only on choke = clogged pilot circuit.
  5. also, what street was it on? im kinda confused how you park after a stop sign... wouldnt you be in the intersection then?
  6. you only have 10 days to contest the ticket, so get on it. i dont think you go to "court" though. i think its just a room at the impound lot. no, you just need to know how read a sign. ive lived there for almost 9 years, and can count on one hand the number of parking tickets ive had. i dont have any sticker either.
  7. if you are referring to the layers, its because of OCR on the scanners. scan an image, convert it to a PDF, optimize the PDF, the open it in illustrator. voila! layers!
  8. John

    Free Bike!!!

    they can cut the engine all they want, wont help anything when the bike is in the bed of my truck.
  9. how much will it take?
  10. regarding trump, i think people here in the fly over states forget that you have to be a real scumbag to get to the top of ANY business in NYC, and that real estate is the SCUMMIEST business in NYC. to get to the top of the real estate game in NYC, you cant just be some regular run of the mill scumbag. you have to be a real piece of work.
  11. John

    Free Bike!!!

    its mine. just leave it there. im a busy guy.
  12. you are at fault for running a red light. thats about it. you say if you had not run the light, then the accident would have not occured. why not say if the other car was not following too close, the accident would not have occured? you did not cause the accident. the guy following too close did. you may have contributed, but you were not the direct cause. they will DEFINITELY cite that other driver, as its their fault for hitting someone from behind. about the only way you can get away with that is if someone reverses into you.
  13. here's the other thing i never understood... did they know when he was born he was destined to be president of the US, so they put the birth announcement in the newpaper to cover their tracks? most people ive talked to who are so adamant about it also believe that humans and dinosaurs lived together 6000 years ago... so yeah....
  14. too bad verlander isnt pitching on sunday.
  15. of course you arent. otherwise every jerk who sucks at driving and drove their car into a tree would be blaming some phantom driver for making them swerve.
  16. who cares. this is such a non-issue. WE HAVE MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES TO DEAL WITH now someone is gonna bitch that obama was scanning his birth certificate when he should have been fixing the economy.
  17. i need one for an 07. i think they are the same through 2010.
  18. need the left side specifically, and the shifter and linkage. anyone upgraded to satos and have the stockers lying around? hook a brotha up
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