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Everything posted by armin922

  1. ahh ok, are you still hiring for that postion?If so, Im still available. Thanks
  2. Hey Jallen, I just applied yesterday, I can work full time. My name is Charles.
  3. armin922


    is there a good local bike shop around that sells and installs tires? Im looking pirelli sport demons for my bike. Thanks
  4. Im interested, What kind of experience is needed? The hours seem like what i've been looking for. Also what kind of work would you be doing? Thanks.
  5. yeah was a bit nippy. But was NICE for this month. I love this weather. I just wished i had gloves that were warmer.
  6. cannot wait till tomorrow.................................
  7. No, it is not reccommended to double on it, the back tail is plastic, and not much support holding it, so i wouldn't recommend doubling a kid on there. I have never doubled anyone on it. It is very fun to ride, and very easy to ride. Anyone interested?
  8. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/50ccbike003.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/50ccbike004.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/50ccbike002.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/50ccbike001.jpg
  9. Go Bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O- H
  10. yea, I got it. Thanks for the offer, no trades right now. Did you get the pics i sent you? I just need the money right now for school.
  11. I have a 50 cc bike for sale. Im asking $200 for it. It's called an XP-490 bike. In very good condition, very clean, it's red, has full functional lights, front light, tail lights/ turn signals ( but the tail lights/ turnsignals, dont work due to a cut wire, but that is an easy fix), has a horn, and it can either be manually started or electric. It can go up to 35 MPH with ease, but i've hit 40 maybe 41 on it on a long stretch. The weight capacity is 300 lbs. This bike hasn't been ridden for a while, but it's been started up every other day, starts up easy, i just need the extra money and the extra space. I dont know how to host pics, but you can PM me and give me your email address, and I can show you the pix of it. But to give you an idea of what it looks like here is what it looks like. http://www.waycoolscooters.com/catalog/item/1542522/996832.htm
  12. look at the specs at the sub. It should say like 4ohm ______RMS. Then look at the amp. Look for the part that says 4ohm and see the RMS for that. Make sure your amp has enough RMS to power those amps. Underpowering an amp isnt a good thing and so is overpowering. So look for an amp that will be fine for the speakers. If u dont know what RMS means heres the breakdown......... Defining RMS and Peak power handling: RMS (more accurately called continuous power handling) is the measure of how much power the speaker can enfure for extended, continuous periods of use. This is an average rating since music, and thus the power required to produce it, is dynamic in nature and varies greatly from moment to moment depending on the frequency being produced and mechanical characteristics of the amplifier and speaker. When pairing an amplifier and speaker or speakers, you should try to match the amplifier's power output to about 80% of the RMS rating of the speakers, at the load they'll present to the amplifier. This is a good, safe region to aim for if you're unsure of how much power the speakers actually need, and is a very generalized rule of thumb. Note that RMS ratings for speakers apply to a clean, AC voltage being applied to the speaker. If the signal is clipped in any way, the resulting DC voltage will cause the coils to heat more quickly and to greater temperatures, causing damage at what may be an amount of power well below that of the RMS rating. Peak ratings are strictly meant to tell you how much heat the voice coils of the speaker can take for a brief, momentary burst of power without essentialy blowing apart the speaker or melting the coils on the spot. This measurement isn't very useful in real world application so it's best left ignored for the most part. In conclusion, please keep in mind that just because a speaker may say it's rated for 2000 watts RMS, that by no means implies that you actually need that much power to get full output from the speaker. In fact you may need as little as 300 watts RMS to achieve peak excursion in teh right enclosure. This is a common misunderstanding by a large contingent of the car audio world, and one well worth addressing. This is why many people will tell you that you don't always need thousands of watts of power to have a loud system.
  13. HEY, DONT EVER get stuff installed there. Someone told me that when they install all your stuff, since they have all your info on paperwork (address) they will come to your house and steal the stuff they installed. DONT GO THERE!!!!
  14. what does this person do for a living?
  15. http://www.fototime.com/D5562C3A1BFAAEF/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/F54F340C5281A38/orig.jpg http://www.fototime.com/E610CD6512EDC91/orig.jpg
  16. SOLD............lock thread please
  17. armin922

    84 s-10 pickup

    send pics to armin92284@hotmail.com
  18. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/DSCF0059.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/DSCF0058.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/DSCF0057.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/DSCF0056.jpg
  19. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/DSCF0059.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/DSCF0058.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/DSCF0057.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/armin922/DSCF0056.jpg
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