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Everything posted by armin922

  1. i had a ex250 then im gettin this. Im probably gonna stick with this one for a while and either get a zx-7 or a z1000. IDK though. Ill see when i have more experience.
  2. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y123/ex500/DSCF0005.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y123/ex500/DSCF0004.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y123/ex500/3.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y123/ex500/DSCF0001.jpg
  3. does anyone know of any other good programs to download music. I have WinMx and its ok. Any others thats free thats that easy like kazaa?
  4. Anyone own a body shop or know of any that need people. Im not experienced in autobody work, but I have some experience helping other people, I can do like prepping work like taping off,sanding etc. Im flexible working in the mornings like (8-5) or whatever. Im looking for a job this summmer, so I can make some extra cash for school. Thanks.
  5. I wish i could still buy it but im low in cash right now. Thanks for the offer.
  6. Im still interested, do you have pics of the damaged area? also, you maunally shift it into gears right? Thanks.
  7. armin922

    QS&L 5/25

    do u know if its gonna be as big as last weeks?
  8. would u be willing to get rid of it for $60? JW
  9. do u want to sell the subs seperate? How many ohms are the subs, 2ohm or 4ohm? Is it a sealed enclosure?
  10. do u wanna sell the subs seperate? Is it in a sealed enclosure? Are they the 2ohm or 4ohm subs? Got pics?
  11. WTF? http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID=1278&rtn=main-topten Edited for NWS. ~ Alex [ 11. May 2005, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: Mr. 2 ]
  12. 04 ninja 250 05 ninja 500
  13. armin922

    QS&L anyone

    hey wheres the ride/bbq/party gonna be at? Or is it just for six14stunt? IM JW, I get bored as hell riding and my friend and I want to ride with more people.
  14. damn thats sad that we are happy we got gas for 1.99........these prices suck!!!!!!!I remember when i started driving (im 20) the gas was like 1.10/gallon.And i thought that was kinda expensive......GEEZ
  15. yeah it has an off road h pipe, but it didnt do it before we let it sit for the winter. It didnt pop until now. But yeah, i will be getting around to checking the car.......THANKS GUYS for all the help. Hey 462, when u said its gettin into the exhaust and igniting, would that cause it to pop at all? I will check all the vaccum lines and drain and fill her back up with oil. THen ill give u updats. THANKS ALOT.....I appreciate this.
  16. would anyone happen to know whats wrong?
  17. whos all goin tomorrow? We should meet up somewhere and ride up there maybe polaris mall? and ride to QS&L? IF weather permits
  18. the car has about 180k and i dont think the fuel rail and the injectors have been changed or cleaned. I also think maybe an O-ring for the injectors is leaking. After about 10 mins i noticed some gas ( a little) under the upper intake so i suspect one of the injectors/fuel rail having a leak and maybe thats why the oil has gas in it? The popping sounds like a baloon but not as loud and not as high pitched. We did try to re time it with a light and got thrown off because we decided to check the oil and it smelled like gas. So we werent sure whats wrong with it. Im gonna maybe change the oil and see what happens. Maybe the whole distributor was maybe replaced and maybe not correctly put in? IDK.....Bottom line, the stang is sick and i want to get it running before the summer..... THANKS GUYS
  19. my stang pops for some reason. It warms up and the exhaust pops, doesnt backfire but pops. I also checked the oil dipstick and it smelled like gas, so im thinking somehow there is gas in the oil. Would that cause it to pop? I have an 88 stang 5.0L with about 180k. How would gas get into the oil? Also, if the timing isnt right would it cause it to pop as well?
  20. u guys goin next weds? If so we should all meet up at the mall and then ride up there together
  21. a hayabusa,R1,ZX-10,RC51......any bike 1000cc and over is a good starter bike....... IM JP, yeah the ex500 ninja is a GREAT starter bike. I have one right now cuz ive only been riding for a total of like 6 months and its a great bike! Tell him not to be stupid and get something ridiculously fast like some of the new 600's.
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