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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. A lot are leaving from Baltimore, MD if that helps at all.
  2. He has replied multiple times today. I have decided not to read them. I win.
  3. Best one at our shop was telling a mechanic's girlfriend to fill up the drinking fountain. By dumping water down the fountain drain until it was full
  4. http://www.lazylaces.com/pics/01/center_lappy_486.jpg
  5. http://dudelol.com/img/dont-bro-me-if-you-dont-know-me.jpg
  6. I sent him a picture of a martian holding a double-sided dildo.
  7. Honestly, I just came back to CR, read some other awesome threads, came into this one KNOWING that at least one of CR's trolls would have replied with that exact line. You win.
  8. Had to share a quick story. I've had a guy from Dayton e-mailing AT LEAST 4 times a day for a week about my 06 Ram. Answered all of his questions, he never made a time to make the "considerable" drive ALL THE WAY up here (what, 2 hours tops?). I worked 6am to 1130 yesterday, crashed when I walked in my house, checked e-mail when I woke up to get.... 4 e-mails from "Aaron" yesterday, hours apart, 1 including a ridiculous low-ball, ending with this gem: "At this point I feel like my time has been wasted. Try being more considerate sometime." Not quite the zinger one-liner that would fall in anyone's top ten list. Who gets pussy-hurt over this? Who doesn't just man up and shoot a seller a phone number instead of 20 e-mails? If I didn't meet an occasional, legit, CL buyer, I would give up on CL entirely. Anyways, back to being a horrible, inconsiderate seller. :gabe:
  9. http://www.picpeak.com/2011/0805/4/4.jpg
  10. What else do you need? Loved mine. 245's are no problem.
  11. Listened with an open mind. Heard: more talentless, junk, BS.
  12. All of the guys stating their comments as facts... please post up how many kids you're currently raising. Thanks
  13. cnn.com "The president's sagging approval numbers shouldn't be misinterpreted by Republicans; Obama remains personally popular and voters tend to blame Bush for the economy's woes." Don't blame the fucking president for the president's disapproval rating... blame the former president.
  14. At about 20 years old, I moved back in with my folks. Bedroom was already spoken for so I slept in the basement. Kept feeling "something" on my hands while sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Woke up one night to that something licking my fingers. 10 mice caught with snappy-snappy traps in the next 2 nights. Only problem? Snap sounds waking me up for the next 2 nights.
  15. Never. Happened. We all know black men can't afford to fly.
  16. I spank my kids. The threat of the spanking cures 99% of the issues. I don't have any issue with a single, "explained" spank as correction. I guess I took the whole video into consideration. "Don't you like coming over to play video game with me???" I think we just found the root cause of the fathering issue.
  17. Not sure who would consider that good parenting?
  18. Folks met with Mike and bought his this afternoon. All is good now.
  19. Wait. What is that purple thing in front of your car?
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