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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. This is what I keep hearing. Let's hope so.
  2. I figure I'll have it fairly easy. She'll have 2 older brothers, several 6'5" uncles, grandpas that were in the military and hunt constantly... And possibly even more important than the above, 2 scary-mean aunts. She's covered.
  3. Thanks guys. Sleep and I parted ways a while ago. I do hope to catch up with him again someday. Stitches: dammit, how could I forget about that? Getting fixed: damn straight. Shotgun: covered. Voices: but, they have kept my company all of these years.
  4. to prepare for little horny bastards in about 15 years. My wife popped out our first daughter yesterday morning. All is well. Like most births, there were some scary-ass moments, but that is the past now. Secondly, a man can live on coffee and not much else for 2 days. :lolguy::lolguy: http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/Emily%20Jo/DSCN5261.jpg
  5. That is fucking badass after you stare long enough and the image emerges.
  6. Had this typed. Decided on too gay.
  7. ... Drivers can access I-270 south from S.R. 161 east. Yay.
  8. That's what happens when people sit on CR all night (instead of watching news), and then listen to XM on their commute (instead of a local channel with traffic reports): we're oblivious to stories about overturned semis.
  9. Is that what happened this time? I watch a car/truck/semi narrowly miss that damn thing all the time.
  10. OP vented. Resolution found. Closing for now. If either the OP or shop rep would like this reopened, PM me. Thanks
  11. Left for work at 8:00. I commute 161... nope. Tried old 161... nope. Morse... ha! 62... think again couple more back roads... home around 10:30, PTO day sitting at home.
  12. Nope, no pissing match intended, or wanted man. But, as someone who has done more tire work than *most* folks on here (notice most), I never charged more to dismount, repair, mount, or balance a 19" tire than others. I would think modern tire machines and balancers should handle a 19" just as easily as any you mentioned. Maybe we were undercharging people and leaving some profit on the table. If your shop has pricing policies different than that, and your shop and the paying customer are happy, that's cool, I was just asking what was involved in a $45-$50 repair. I thought maybe he needed a lot of bead cleaning, or a new bolt-in stem, or stick-on weights, or who knows what else. In full disclosure, our shop was in a smaller city, with much lower overhead and employees with smaller paychecks. I've seen the countless "+1 for Derek" threads here, so you obviously must be doing things right. I know firsthand that no matter what your work ethics and policies are, eventually a bad situation pops up, and kudos for resolving this one. BTW, no jab intended about the edits. Shows maturity that a lot of folks wouldn't have had. I just enjoy reading the before and after edited posts.
  13. Blah, edited. Not worth it. I will simply disagree with the above.
  14. What's your shop's steps in fixing a 19" tire? I don't want to bust your balls man, but I am curious what parts and labor go into a $50 tire repair. P.S. Nice edits. :gabe:
  15. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&safe=off&sa=X&ei=s5mTTpeiM-SKsAL8yPDNBg&ved=0CBsQvwUoAQ&q=solar+flares+impacting+satellite+tv&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=b12f5e501efbd0e5&biw=1366&bih=601
  16. One option at this point. New wheel. Period. You went out of your way multiple times, enough is enough. Firm and to the point until they get you a new wheel or hand you $500. On a side note, what tire repair costs $48? Damn.
  17. Sorry man, looking for silver lining.
  18. Get $1200 repair estimate. Get $1200. Use $250 to fix. Profit.
  19. Haha. 5'10" and 195. Need any other stats? I'm the drunk guy in the middle. (And, yes I should be bigger ). http://nurkvinny.com/images/Content/Hooters1.jpg
  20. Largest Nebraska comeback... EVER. Awesome.
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