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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Got a Mr Gasket chrome timing tab here, never opened. #9884 / 4593 for sbc w/ 8" balancer. Your's if you need it. - This one - http://www.jegs.com/i/Mr.+Gasket/720/4593/10002/-1
  2. Sam, I think I have one over here.
  3. Sorry man. Did some of his Army friends take care of the Afghan "soldier"?
  4. O'tooles bartender pulled this on me about 10 years ago. Found out the next week, went back in person (lived 1/2 mile away), chick was already fired.
  5. http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&safe=off&source=hp&q=%24870+money+order+scam&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=21fbf7d0f84636b9
  6. Impressive. I nailed the GM stuff, but fell off a cliff after that.
  7. You just have a soft spot for 20th century Buicks. Good luck to him.
  8. If you take a photo, post it in a CR thread, and it has no markings (like your name, copyright, etc)... can I legally copy it and use it? If you posted a pic like mentioned above, then I quoted your post, can you legally demand I delete the picture? Can you demand I delete all threads featuring pictures you snapped and posted yourself in public?
  9. Maybe they quoted $160 as a worst-case? Who knows. If the shop was a known, repeated rip-off, why in the world did this kid keep going back? To be Devil's advocate - again - if someone tried fixing their own shit, messed it up, then wanted it fixed, I'd estimate high too. So... why does he think he needs both calipers replaced?
  10. I don't know man... 160 is only 2 hours. Time to fix someone else's mistake (especially if it truly took a torch), install new caliper, bleed system. It doesn't sound too outrageous to me. I see where you're coming from, and I am almost always on the customer's side, and I feel for the kid. Good luck. PS, if I had torches, I'd tell you to head over here. Although I also never had to use a torch (our shop didn't even have one). PSS, sorry, I thought you meant he snapped off the bolt. He just needs a bolt broken loose? Final PS - what was the car doing in the first place - that made them say it needed both rear calipers (which sounds like a parts hanger shop to begin with).
  11. I'd day they just quoted him that to make him go elsewhere. Was there more to it? Like installing new lines, or hardware, or pads, or??? Did he screw something up with the bracket that the shop has to fix?
  12. Your twin parks with his front bumper mangled into a parking tie each and every morning at my work. I hate him for that. I +rep you for a good intro.
  13. Low gloss Armor All for me. ... waits on the squadron of anit-AA young'ins.
  14. MEPS. Boy, did I take some good shits in that restroom. Added bonus of listening to Sunny 95 on the ceiling speakers. P.S. "MARINES > ARMY" carvings on the shitter walls needed more creativity.
  15. Just had a Ziggy's bacon cheeseburger with everything. I would recommend it.
  16. Correct. Ultralight is somewhere in the next decade. Had numerous. Wasn't looking for a crotch rocket this time. My back is to the point there is no way I could ride one of those again. I have never "flipped" a car on CR solely to make money. I go through a fuckload of cars. I have made money on some, lost a ton on others. I estimate I am -$10,000 on cars I sold here. But, I know you were half joking. Truth is I get kind of tired of everyone always asking me what $$ I bought and sold things for. What's strange is that people have actually gotten butt hurt when I decline to share. Back on topic... just took it out for a spin. Cruises at 70mph smooth as can be. Comfy. Tons of wind/bug protection. I dig it for now. I discovered the "k-mod" today, lol. First mod coming soon.
  17. So, I guess the answer to the original question is no.
  18. Don't you know that GTO's are glorified Cavaliers? (Previous Phantom Black 6sp GTO owner)
  19. I ran away from one and made a noise a scared 2 year old would make. Won't lie; all I could imagine was the damned thing biting at my crotch, followed by bleeding.
  20. Precisely why I am always tempted to buy one when I see an ex-trooper car come up for sale...
  21. Ha, why is that always everyone's first question? I won't share details about my purchase, but during the few weeks I searched, the 250cc class scooters can typically be found for $3200-4500 depending on year, miles, and how badly the seller thinks they can gouge you since gas is expensive now. MSRP on this one back in the day since it had some options was like $5895.
  22. Bought a Honda Reflex scooter this afternoon. 07 with 900 miles. Anyone else tried their hand at these things? I had serious doubts, but I have to admit that it is actually fun. Only had it to 70-72ish because I have no plates or insurance yet. Nobody will mistake it for a real bike, but I'm looking all kinds of forward to the 60+mpg.
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