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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. I told pepper boy to call you. If he doesn't, let me know.
  2. Make anything that doesn't look like a blood clot?
  3. Never had it. Gonna make it in 5 minutes. I know I can Google it. I have 100 proof Smirnoff and a 4 pack of large with-Sugar Red Bulls How do all you young'ins make this drink? Shakers? Ice? No ice? Some crushed ice? Special spoon and a sugar cube?
  4. BTW, the last one I remember was when I sold a truck to a guy from Indiana. But, I've gotten plenty from Ohio-Ohio sales too.
  5. I know the inspection paper is obviously fake, but otherwise interesting video. How many people will ruin their $500 luggage tonight after viewing this video?
  6. Negotiations need to be via PM. Thanks.
  7. Best editing I've seen in a while. That truck is so me.
  8. http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/5496/whatuj.jpg
  9. My opinion: One is better once it is dialed in <-- Holley. One is easier to tune for a novice <-- Edelbrock. You can probably find some great links by Googling "holley vs edelbrock". I've had a dozen of each, and seriously, you'll be fine either way.
  10. Disagreed. Both will work, but they are night and day. To someone that has never set up a carb, and likely does not own all of the trial-and-error parts needed to get a Holley dialed in, there is no question the Carter / Edelbrock is more user friendly. For his low-medium hp setup, it really doesn't matter though. Buy carb, bolt on, hit the lake.
  11. No, they actually do not "suck". And for a non-carb guy (ie, OP), they are a flat head screwdriver and 5 minutes away from being adjusted.
  12. Never even dawned on me about the date. Ha.
  13. So my 4 year old son pushed my 2 year old son into the vertical tile that surrounds the whirlpool tub tonight, gashing open his head, right under his eyebrows. Off to the urgent care, 2 stitches later, good to go. Little man handled it all better than most adults I know. His only concern?... that his big brother got sent to his room.
  14. Ha, couldn't find a jets manifold. You don't need anything more than this - http://www.jegs.com/i/Edelbrock/350/1806/10002/-1 Easy as Hell to tune, but chances are 10-to-1 you could remove from box, bolt on, and never have an issue.
  15. That's the cycle. Spend every dollar on car. Be broke. Positive piss test within a few months. Sell car. Have kid. Save money for car; buy car. Repeat.
  16. I bought CR... twice. Both times my wife got pregnant and I had to sell it back for cash.
  17. Someone make a good offer. It's gonna go sooner than later, and I would 100% prefer someone on CR. I don't have the time and patience any more for 3 mustang sites, RacingJunk, CL, yadda yadda. Every friend, family member, CR member, etc that has seen it in person has commented about its condition (in a good way ). Buy it, flip it, mod it, DD it, put it away for your kid to drive some day, I don't care. Returning some PM's to folks who made offers early on...
  18. If anyone wants one, shoot me a PM with your contact info. I sit right beside him at work. Are you sure you're getting the e-mail address correct? He is a good guy and I can't see him ignoring anyone. He did mention he was tired of dealing with CL though. I can't blame him.
  19. nurkvinny

    nasty storms

    Not gonna lie, I was worried more than usual last night. When I opened my front door to the porch, I watched the flag pole get ripped from the railing and there were some eerie-ass howling noises. 10 minutes later, Columbus channels reporting the 100mph gusts through my part of Licking. That flag pole lasted through the sustained 80mph winds a couple Summers ago (leftover of whatever hurricane that was).
  20. A good running Q-Jet can make tons of power. If you end up needing a spread-to-square adapter, I have one I ported years ago with an additional spacer that's ported. Post up or shoot me a PM with what's done to that motor. That will direct what carb to use.
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