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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Small world. Every other day, I ask myself, "why don't you drive to Dad's house and work on the 67 Vette with him for few hours?"
  2. Gone. Thanks Eli, Howard and Jeremy. I never would have thought moving it would involve band aids, putty knives and my wife's gym shorts.
  3. I believe I know the complete unabridged list.
  4. What would you tell yourself? I would tell myself not to throw away a free college education in order to have "some time off", only to have to pay for college starting at 20. I would also have started my family earlier (instead of waiting until I was 30).
  5. nurkvinny

    IE 9 WOW!

    I use about 10 add-ons that are free and work great. For example, FoxyProxy, Adblocker, NoScript, ImageZoom, TabPlus... free shit that makes surfing "better".
  6. It was real. I have no doubt a bunch of drunk dudes in Vegas failed to prepare it properly using what could be had in a hotel room.
  7. He accidentally posted a bottle of booze in this thread. He meant delete his post. Deleted.
  8. nurkvinny

    IE 9 WOW!

    Nope, I am not a big fan. Better indeed, but I'll stick to Firefox.
  9. NOOO fuxking thank you. We tried every which way in our Vegas hotel room to make that crap taste good - including the whole pouring over a sugar cube on a special spoon - and none of the 8 of us cared for it. Kind of a waste since a military buddy snuck it from Europe.
  10. Got ya covered. BTW, the more I think about it, that car may even have a smaller than 5.3 in it. It was on CL a while back, when I traded e-mails, I want to say it was actually the smaller 4.x truck engine.
  11. Wow, that just made my heart stop. A very good old friend of mine is also named Ryan Williams, and that freaked me the Hell out. Sean, sorry you lost a buddy, man.
  12. Nope, just the video of it idling up above, and that was on a near-dead battery and old gas. Sounds like a 5.0 with headers, h-pipe, and Flowmasters .
  13. Once the neighbor's kids are home, and mine are in bed, I'll be sipping on this, in between beers. http://www.liquorsnob.com/pictures/Seagrams_Honey_300.jpg By the way, what pregame?
  14. OK - it may not look like it, but this red thing for sale above me is going to turn into an egress window and a half bath. You know, if it ever sells. OBO
  15. Anyone know if this thing would need a plate? I know my car trailer and boat trailer did, but does something this little need one?
  16. what size ball, and does it have any light wiring at all?
  17. http://blogs.forbes.com/nathanvardi/2011/04/15/founders-of-worlds-biggest-online-poker-companies-indicted/ Can't get mine as of yet.
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