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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. When there's an honest mistake made by a non-prick who sincerely apologizes, throw them a bone if applicable. In this case, as described, screw him.
  2. I'll say it... I like shooting them at paper. They make me smile about as much as other guns.
  3. How much is the rental?
  4. I've had horrible experiences in the past 5 years. Getting them here is hard enough. Getting them back to actually work is impossible, and that includes CR members. Must be the business to be in.
  5. My folks just had gutter guards or some other brand name of guards installed so Dad would stop climbing up there. Never have to screw with them again.
  6. What happened to the 40 to 50 year olds that produced this generation of trash?
  7. I'm going to claim trans-appliance. Think Obamacare will cover my broken A/C?
  8. Fuck this broad for even making it so I have to hear the idiotic word, "transracial".
  9. I am white. This bitch lied for psycho and/or financial reasons end of stupid story.
  10. Bump. Leaning heavily at just turning back into my DD. Can't find anything better out there for the $$. Damn you car A.D.D.
  11. Who are they trying to bullshit that they ever had that listed at $500?
  12. I went out and drank with friends, solved 10 work issues and got laid while you fuckers "debated" this stupid shit.
  13. I think the hangers are in different spots, maybe other differences. Any suggestions on an east side shop to weld in a resonator if I can't find a factory setup?
  14. I have a full ZZP exhaust including converter that is too loud and scaring off all potential buyers. I need to track down a stock exhaust. Buy outright or trade for ZZP stuff (cash coming my way). Help me find one. Thanks 2004 btw.
  15. I checked this out in person. Heck of a car for the price. This is a case of pics don't do it justice.
  16. Thanks guys. I have access to a nice snap-on scanner, it's just an hour away.
  17. Most cars I've had I was able to pull codes with some combo of key positions and buttons. Is there a way pull error codes on an 04 GTP without a scan tool?
  18. . . . http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/Mobile%20Uploads/20150607_124604_zpsrbekmqdd.jpg
  19. Factory shoes back on. Pic from today. http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/Mobile%20Uploads/20150607_105553_zpsmtaxyqc5.jpg
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