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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. What, exactly, was missing from your life during those years?
  2. 299-309. I gave 299+tax for new at Buckeye.
  3. And now they could get $2995 out of it.
  4. http://columbus.craigslist.org/grd/5372872787.html Wheeling, $2 each.
  5. Article's comments about Moe are interesting. Atat was on welfare, but owned several homes, raced expensive cars, and owned luxury vehicles. Police believe Atat was a drug-dealer when in the US, and they believe Atat continues to traffic in the drug trade. Atat fled the country after failing to appear in court for trial. Atat was featured in the America’s Most Wanted television show. Atat has been racing for Al Anabi in the Middle East in the Arabian Drag Racing League
  6. "No". Who is this "we" you mention?
  7. If you find a source and there are more than you need, please keep me in mind. I too am building a "wall". Thanks
  8. Today, I was shooting in my back yard and some neighbor called the county saying I was shooting unsafely. Sheriff shows up, I notify (first ever, yay), we chat for a while. He says my backstop isn't good enough. It's 2 large steel plates at the back of a hole I used a rented small backhoe to dig into a hillside. I asked him exactly how tall, wide, deep, yadda yadda it needed to be. No real answer. He called the "head of Licking County firearms instructor", who also couldn't recite the requirements. So, I want to be safe, and make any future sheriff visits uneventful. How tall, wide, deep, etc is good enough? BTW, all he wanted to do was talk guns so much he tried to buy one of the guns I had on the shooting table,
  9. Nothing else out there can handle the volume of transactions. Thanks.
  10. Go 1.5 bigger than you think you need. Trust me.
  11. I thought this same thing in the office this morning. I work with 1000s of diverse people and I've never seen a Merry Christmas offend anyone.
  12. It's not officially posted yet, but my company will soon be interviewing for a mainframe programming position. Only down side is I would be your Lead. COBOL, CICS, DB2, IBM and CA utilities, JCL, and the like. I'll link to the posting once it's available, should be the first of the year. Thanks.
  13. Staged. Scripted. Rehearsed. Obvious. Marketing and shit. Ain't that some coincidence the camera was focused on the loser at just the right moment?
  14. Easy to replicate. I bought if off CR a few years back. It actually had more doo-dads hanging off of it, but these things are so simple to modify.
  15. Solid choice. One of the 1.8 bazillion ways you can dress it: http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/Mobile%20Uploads/20151219_103541_zps3bljhile.jpg
  16. I'm one of the idiots into eating shit like this. If anyone wants one, I can arrange it for probably the price of a stamp.
  17. Vince Adams 2 hrs^·^ An Islamist travels to the middle east for a month, grows out his beard, had a wife who pledges allegiance to ISIS, makes pipe bombs in the garage, voiced their views to many (but people did not report the lunatic for fear of being labeled racist - although Islam is not a race), a building full of innocent people within a gun free zone is fired upon, nobody was allowed to defend themselves. Evil people skirted all "common sense" gun control laws in place in California to acquire guns. Same people broke dozens of laws including "don't flipping kill people" ... and some idiots are taking the microphone today to declare more gun control would have saved lives. If you agree with that, well... you're a dumbass.
  18. Ugh, and the comments turn into a FOCUS vs. FESTIVA debate.
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