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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. I think the real number is under 1%. I think that somewhere around 15 years ago, networks figured out that they can cash in on the wow factor of gay characters in their shows. It snowballed from there, and now most series have at least an occasional gay character... for ratings. Somewhere in there, teens starting believing that just because every MTV "reality" series showcased at least 1 gay contestant, or 2 chicks making out, that the straight to gay ratio must be 5:1. To believe that 10% of the population is gay, you'd have to believe that 10 out of every 100 people you see on a daily basis is gay. No way. Not even close, man. The loudest and most persistent groups will always skew the public's perception of a topic, situation or count. For example, a small number of people complain about an "indecent" tv incident, and the media reports it as "massive" or an outrage. Or, maybe, the real number is 50% and I will become gay one day?
  2. Who keeps a knife with them? I'm talking more utility and less Crocodile Dundee. What do you take with you? I've never owned anything besides a single-blade from Gander. Now that I am always opening toys for the kids, fixing little jobs around the house, etc, I'd like a cool knife. Small enough for front pocket. I'm leaning towards this - http://www.crkt.com/Guppie , but know zero about good vs bad knife companies.
  3. nurkvinny

    Happy Topic

    +rep Watching gay porn makes me happy.
  4. I count all of the above as gay. Now, somebody go start a happy topic, and I'll give them tons of +rep.
  5. I do not believe 10 out of every 100 Americans are gay. "the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has estimated America's gay, lesbian, and bisexual population at around 8 million people. That translates to somewhere around 2 percent. (note this one includes bisexuals) ... A site called GayDemographics.org offers up a different set of statistics, placing an emphasis on the number of same-sex couples in the United States. According to their findings, there were a total of 61,064,407 couples in 2004. Approximately 707,196 (or 1.16 percent) were same-sex couples. ... "The popular estimate that 10 percent of the male population and 5 to 6 percent of the female population are exclusively or predominately gay/lesbian is based on the Kinsey Institute data published in 1948. Since then Kinsley has been widely debunked, as more than 55% of the men surveyed were either prisoners, sex offenders, or male prostitutes."
  6. The root cause I was trying to discuss in that post was whether the people could even pay their bill. If they couldn't, end of that discussion. On a side topic - if I am not supposed to care about how a gay man or woman lives their life, and I am supposed to leave them be and let them do whatever they want to and feel however they want to... why are they (and you) so concerned about whether or not I approve of it and make it a point to show me how my beliefs are wrong? Seems a little hypocritical, don't ya think?
  7. Now, back on topic: CBS didn't have anything worth watching to begin with, so their decision does not impact me. They're a business that made a business decision. I would like to see some kind of proof that the dating website had access to $3,000,000 in cash to pay the bill. Otherwise, CBS's claim that they had concerns about getting paid sounds legit.
  8. Then why promote hate towards homosexuals in your sig? And on the record, I hate a higher percentage of hetero men than gay men. Oh, oh, and also... this thread has a 24 year old telling a 21 year old - who told a 19 year old to STFU - to STFU. 19 and 24 are super close on the growing up chart; neither of you can rent a car.
  9. I'll say what I really feel... I have no issue, problem, ill-will, hate towards ~98% of gay men. I work well with several on a daily basis. I play Hold'em (not like that) with a gay couple every 3 weeks. What I honestly hate (and I admit hate is the right term here) are men who have to put on a show to express just how gay they are. Talking in a fake-ass high pitched voice, wearing makeup, pretty much everything Brian Griffin's gay cousin does. I imagine the majority of gay men also dislike that 2% and probably don't like how much that 2% adds to the larger gay stereotype. I can accept that some men just naturally are attracted to men. But I really believe men that parade around doing everything as over-the-top as they can have mental issues. No, I am not saying being gay is a mental disorder. Maybe they have to spend every waking hour proving just how gay they are because they suppressed it growing up in fear of what peers and family would do? My wife has had many clients with gender identity disorder and she claims it is very real and valid. Just as a gay man would "hate" it if I constantly talked about fucking a woman and pointing out how much I love being straight, I can not stand being around an uber-gay.
  10. I wish we could shut down Youtube for a year.
  11. It's rare when I can't tell if I am watching a prank video or not.
  12. Sounds like something from a band playing at a high school dance. Not horrible, just not memorable.
  13. Ha, thanks. Seems people want a lot for these for their mpg. I thought 10,900 was a good starting point. 9,900 is closer to what I have to have out of it, and still leaves some wiggle-room.
  14. For the love of 19 year old vs 39 year old debates... Disliking something does not equal bigotry. However, I am a full-on, flaming, flamboyant bigot. EDIT - and super kudo points for trying to involve race into this discussion. Here, let me make sure I use the correct smiley...
  15. Sorry - changed title/price from 10,900 to 9,900. Cloth. No sunroof.
  16. The ad is just fucking ridiculous anyway. The balding guy wouldn't have a shot at the hot guy.
  17. They have multiple. Networks, not orgasms.
  18. Bump. Wife finally starting seriously looking for a van, so this needs to go. Just dropped $1000; price is obo. KBB Private Party comes in at 10,200 excellent, 9,700 good. She has it in Columbus today, but I'll try for pics soon. Possible trade for Grand Caravan, Uplander, Tahoe, something with third row seating.
  19. I SEE. Now, you have to see: http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/30500/Hillary-s-Cleavage--30971.jpg
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