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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. ...and sold on Craigslist. Yay, roof money.
  2. Now, what's worse? Bitching about posting a NWS pic on CL, or breaking a CR rule by not linking to said NWS pic?
  3. The red one does have a Powerdyne on it. I don't care what he drives, and I understand feeling that you've been taken. But, seriously, what adult handles a situation like this? In case I missed it, was there ever an answer to my question about what else we can do to help him? You know, if he had opened a thread and said, "I feel the seller has no intention of making this right, can any of you help in any way? Do you have his contact info or know him personally?" You know, something productive like that.
  4. ...and there you have it. He was allowed to see the reasons for his dismissal. Have a good evening. Edit. My fake badge authority has been been trumped by an even higher level of fake powers.
  5. I'll tell you what, I won't ban you because of this thread. However, the above is a blatant threat, and if I had seen it back then, this rocker arm bullshit never would have happened. I will let you stay long enough to make sure you read why you are losing your account.
  6. Let me ask you something... what in the fuck else do you want us to do for you? I don't know either of you, I don't give a fuck about your rocker arms, but still tried to help you resolve this. He told me he was going to give you your money back. I'm not his dad and can't make him. My payback for trying to help is a big "fuck you" from you, along with 8 other childish comments? Get some balls, go get your money back instead of being a hardass towards us. So, let me ask again... if you can't get your money back for yourself, what is it we can do for you?
  7. You guys have never heard of this? Great cause.
  8. You lie. I watch Craigslist religiously. Fix a couple things, claim the windshield on the insurance and profit.
  9. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1086718579.html
  10. I approve as I am the first car. Err, doh, missed the white car. I was the 2nd car. Yay. Thanks for posting
  11. Jesus. I held everyone's hand the first time. You two figure it out somewhere other than here. Whoever reopened this can play Moderator this time. Edit - and for what it's worth, I don't have sympathy here. You were in a buyer beware situation. He could have told you they were Space Shuttle bearings, and it would still be up to you to research the parts before paying. It would be different if he intentionally misled you, but I don't think that's the case. Go see him in person, sell off the rockers to get your money back, something man.
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=1782 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=1781 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=1780
  13. Thanks for planning this. Good to see a few of you. I cut the cruise short and headed out 70 East, but way to keep the drive civilized.
  14. Leaving in a couple minutes... see you all there.
  15. wnaplay - deleted your post only to help make the thread happy, and I can't edit quoted posts.
  16. Don't care. Beyond tired of people reading on some random forum about "bad BP gas" and spreading the bullshit. Especially, when over the years, EVERYtime I defend BP, the person bashing it admits they have never personally had a problem with it. ANYWHOS... nice Ford, heh?
  17. This was in Zanesville, Maple Ave.
  18. Yep, at my family-owned BP you ***Lovely Human Being*** Let me add... to each their own. I have forgotten more about fuel, gas stations, and octane than you'll ever know. 30+ years our family's been selling this gas... ZERO issues. EVER.
  19. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=1776 VERY nice in person, I must say.
  20. Bump for a small pic. http://images.craigslist.org/3k83m43ocZZZZZZZZZ93l5aff74684c4a124a.jpg
  21. There is nothing "new" about cops being asked to write tickets. That's part of their job. Maybe instead of receiving bailout money to keep cops, towns just ticket those who are speeding? You know, make the people breaking the law pay instead of all taxpayers? I'll argue that by cops writing tickets, they ARE protecting me and my family on the roads. We might as well get some use out of those pricey radar guns. 5 tickets per month is about 1 a week. That doesn't sound like the cops are working very hard on traffic enforcement to me. 18 is about 1 a day; sounds good to me. Using speeding tickets as ammunition for the "rise up against the guvment" cry is pretty far fetched.
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