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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Wars were fought in part over this very thing. Including one that ultimately resulted in there even being a United Sates Constitution and Bill of Rights. Were they justified? Not for me to say. Pilgrims didn't come here to learn how to grow corn. I understand your points, and I am not advocating unloading your gun on anyone knocking on your door and "taking your guns"... I don't believe we will ever see that day. Why? Well, because we have so many guns. We have gotten far away from what our federal government was intended to be. Who's fault is it? American voters. Who's job is it to try and make things better? American voters - and a large number of them are failing badly. They have time to play games, watch tv, surf porn and read CR, but can't take any time to pay attention to current events or contact their reps and congressmen. I think more Americans need to do a better job at voicing their beliefs and thoughts to those that are supposed to be working for us, because we both know fewer and fewer "Americans" are giving a shit these days. Or, maybe what it means to be an American is drastically changing for the worse?
  2. Remember though, paying off a mortgage uber early can save $100k+ in interest.
  3. I think politicians (and increasingly the general public) have gotten way too wrapped up in political speak. Their main job seems to be to advocate for the exact opposite of whatever their rival wants. They make bold statements and predictions in front of news cameras, lie more often than not, and there are never any kind of repercussions for their actions. They play dirtier than they accuse their opponents of playing. They count on the fact that a tiny percentage of us will actually fact check them and see their bold-faced lies. They stick their chests out and declare how they know best. They act and react blindly on little-to-no factual information to gain a couple cool points with their target voter's demographic segment. If the law doesn't allow them to do what their spoiled asses wish to do, they find an obviously illegal backdoor to get their way. Why? Again, because they know nobody on the opposing side has any balls to call them out on it and Joe Blow doesn't care enough to do anything. Maybe what they need is to be spoken to in a slightly more clear manor, more often, as in the OP's post. "I have paid for fat poor people's chips and soda too long; I want to stop now, thanks." "They are not undocumented citizens. They are illegals. They need to go. They should not be allowed to have city IDs and go to an American university for free. Thanks." "You may not have my neighbor's guns. Or mine. I'm not being a hardass - there are a dozen reasons why I am right and you are wrong on this topic." "How can you vote over and over to support an abortion at 9 months, including killing any baby that makes it through the abortion - and then stand in front of the cameras and shed a tear for 20 kids murdered in CT? 1000x that many kids are taken every month. You gave the top abortion company in the nation a record amount of my money in 2012. I don't agree to this, ok?" "You lied. You need impeached now." "Yes, you do have a spending problem. You have a gigantic problem. Stop it. "The first thing you can cut if you fail to pass a budget is your own salary and retirement contributions. You can stop threatening my grandparents' social security checks (the money you borrowed for 40 years and are nice enough to give back) or my buddy's military paycheck. "
  4. Yeah, I should stop there. But, Granville-->West side = 2 hour round trip and $15 in gas.
  5. 100k = 10k to each kid's college fund 30k for a large chunk of land 40k towards current house mortgage 200k = 20k to each kid's college fund 40k for a larger chunk of land 100k towards current house mortgage
  6. Sorry, no. I was there for a case of shotgun shells. They had a shelf full and then some bulk on the floor still in boxes.
  7. I don't know who is still searching for ammo, but Buckeye had a good amount of 223 this afternoon... Carry on.
  8. I have some exploding 20 gauge rounds on their way.
  9. I was carrying a new toy through the kitchen tonight, and my 5 year old son enthusiastically asked, "Wow, what kind of telescope is that on your new gun?". That was cool enough. Then, my 4 year old son followed up with, "Can we shoot the snowman?" "No. No, we can't".
  10. nurkvinny

    What if?

    No, Brian. Sorry, but it is absolutely the Democrats - for the past 25 years - that have been trying over and over again to get this crap in place. They are the source of my problem. And the worst part is their efforts are based on horrible understanding of the gun stats.
  11. The fees that will ultimately line the realtors' pockets are indeed paid by the buyer. We can claim it is the seller paying the percentage, but obviously, the seller is simply making sure the asking price includes the extra monies.
  12. It's interesting, but it's not the whole story. Collecting the data this refers to has been protected since the 80's.
  13. nurkvinny

    What if?

    Saving lives... how many innocent lives are going to be lost when legal owners are limited on what they can use to defend themselves? I can't foresee the future. However, I can promise that I will not register a gun or turn one over to the government.
  14. It was 2005. Realtor.com Homes.com Yahoo homes. No, Realtor was useless other than collecting their 6%
  15. Bought 2 and sold 1 house so far, using Realtors. I found my own house both times on my own using free online tools. During the 1 sale, the Realtor was useless. I will never use a Realtor again.
  16. Not as exciting as the 223, but Morse Rd Walmart has a few boxes of .45 Tulo 50 count left for $14.
  17. nurkvinny

    Ruger P90

    Which model of the P90 did you hold and shoot?
  18. I'm glad I live in my world and not yours.
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