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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. nurkvinny

    Ruger P90

    I have a guy bringing a P90 45 over tomorrow night to sell. Anything unique or special to look for? I will be shooting a couple mags full of cheap shit through it. It's a stainless model with a couple mags and some kind of holster. Any personal experience?
  2. I am looking for real-world input into what folks have spent for a couple's trip to Hawaii. Not cheap and not high-end, just a trip for a married couple for a week. $2500? $5000?
  3. I know there is still fake money .net, but are there any real money poker sites up and running?
  4. I'm glad I live in my world and not yours.
  5. This same rep has introduced the exact same bill every couple years since the 90's. Luckily it takes a lot of house votes to make this change. And it will never get voted on.
  6. nurkvinny

    22LR Pistol

    On the P22 and SR22 (and similar), you can pick up one of these : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ruger-SR22-Pachmayr-05177-Tactical-Grip-Glove-for-The-Ruger-SR22-/360542530577?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53f2026c11
  7. nurkvinny

    22LR Pistol

    Own an SR22. Completely, 100% recommend it to everyone. Everyone that's shot it is surprised at it. Comes with an extra back strap for larger hands. Just sold a SW 22A. Liked it. Strictly a range gun, whereas I can and do carry the SR22 some times. This gun is easy to find in stock usually. My next 22 with be the M&P22 for chaper practice in lieu of my M&P9. I also have all of the Ruger Mk's. I would never had bought them myself, but they are ok to shoot. Read too many bad reviews of the P22, when I decided to buy the SR22.
  8. nurkvinny


    Posted today elsewhere: Very good condition Superior Arms lower with Colt 16" A2 upper. Comes with 1 30 round mag. Can e-mail pictures. Asking $900.
  9. nurkvinny


    Post about the Colt you bought for $1100. Try and sell to CR for $2000.
  10. Honestly, I have yet to find a better deal online than I have found in a local brick and mortar store.
  11. I guess that 45% increase didn't rake in enough $$$ ?
  12. Nope. If I have a break in, I will promptly call the appropriate authorities and ask the misunderstood burglar to please wait patiently on the other side of my bedroom doorframe while my protectors arrive in amazing speed.
  13. Guns were taking up too much of my energy and time. I can see the liberal's POV now. So, I figured the best thing I could do was to sell them all. I will miss them.
  14. He has good words about a situation in which someone comes to your door to take your gun. I am not afraid of that happening. It won't happen like that. Anti-gunners will peck away at one thing after another, one small incremental ban after another, one more fee or registration after the other, until you won't recognize the gun culture. At least, that is the more realistic scenario I want to fight. It isn't the 21 year old kid in an Army uniform I fear; it's the lifelong liberal that sees herself in a powerful Washington position that scares the shit out of me.
  15. Good man. Also, see here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108509&highlight=barrel
  16. And now's been reelected, so NOTHING counts.
  17. Magazine ban introduced today, first day of new congress. More when I can, unless someone else can help with the link ... Get off your asses and contact your reps. Get your family to. Get your friends to. Be polite, firm and to the point. Sorry, I was in line getting food. "Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo., introduced a ban on high-capacity magazines in the House earlier today, the first day of the new session of Congress." She is the Columbine rep and her co-sponsor is a rep whose husband was shot 25 or so years ago.
  18. Turns out I'm buying a 10/22 and although it has a 30 round mag, it is the clear plastic one and looks filthy as Hell and I don't think they are serviceable? So, I too am in the market for a couple mags.
  19. 500-1000. The deal for the P90 and a couple other things looks like it is back on for now. Still considering some PMs I got though.
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