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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Start poll to Ban certain user from funny thread? Results may prove funny.
  2. nurkvinny


    I swear I watched a guy walk into Vances today wearing that stupid badge. I almost stopped him to ask him his CR screen name. Really, I saw a dude with a CCW badge walking into a gun store today.
  3. Same gun. Thanks, I was considering this holster today.
  4. nurkvinny


    do everything the exact opposite of this idiot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_VnY0GuusQ
  5. What does an obese old white woman at Walmart have to do with how much Obama sucks and is wrong for this country?
  6. Swiped from another source... Well the current administration re-posted it's agenda. I'll let them speak for themselves. http://change.gov/agenda/urbanpolicy_agenda/ Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent. There you have it - Repeal tiahart so people other than LEO can access trace data because law enforcement already can. - Common sense measures, such as no-one should have a gun ? - Secure storage requirements so you can be charged if someone steals your gun or if it's not kept 'properly' secured. - closing the mythical gun show loophole - making guns childproof........... looks like all the manufacturers just failed on this one - Permanent ugly gun ban
  7. Because they listened to 30 second, evil-speaking commercials instead of learning facts. Oh, and I hardly know any females that voted Dem. They saw through the BS. That is some of the "what's in it for me" I was referring to. Ain't it great timing that as soon as Obama realized he needed another couple percent to win, that after many years of blabbing about traditional marriage, he was all of a sudden pro-gay? False, I voted for who had some kind of chance to give my grand sons and daughters a sliver of hope at having the kind of life I have had.
  8. Yes. Now it is too late. Two days ago there was still a chance.
  9. It's not about ending, man. It's about going in the obvious wrong direction. It's not so surprising though, that a country full of people that can't spend within their own limits, don't give a fuck about what we're doing to 1, 2, and 3 generations from now. I also noticed that things seemed a lot clearer to people with kids, compared to those without. A lot of people voted selfishly Tuesday, instead of for what can *maybe* turn this country around as a whole. It was all about what can he do for me. They fell for "look how evil this rich guy is" antics to shift the focus from Obama's horrible, horrible record.
  10. It's too late at that point, chief.
  11. OBL dead... using intel from a place Obama wanted closed, using tactics he said was torture. A bunch of "acts" that mean nothing to you or me. And I would consider most of the rest of your list horrible for this country. Way to copy and paste from Obama's site.
  12. Stocks down 250 points already. So far, so good.
  13. Can you name some ways this country is better than the day he was sworn in?
  14. Glad to see her district is doing so well. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/06/burglary-attempt-reported-at-pelosi-napa-home/?test=latestnews
  15. Incorrect. Dirt, seed, mist, fan, LIGHT.
  16. They would have had a record day if the other guy won.
  17. Glad that's over! Seriously. I am concerned about the price of our paper products going up, though. It's going to take a lot of paper to print all of the extra food stamps we'll be needing.
  18. Thinking it's about time for a United Democratic States of America and a separate United Republic States of America. It's getting old winning 84 out of 88 counties and losing this state, winning 80% of the square footage of the US, and losing the country because of folks packed into shit hole cities. Dems win everything because of the cities... you can have them, free of charge.
  19. I will buy more. I would have bought more regardless of Whitehouse occupant.
  20. Hope Americans enjoy their ass raping...
  21. Well, here's to hoping he's impeached over Benghazi.
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