Miller if you can still get me this I would highly appreciate it. You dont know the frustration that I was having and still am while I was typing that.
There is no offset there. I see what other have mentioned also. There is no way of telling what the distance should be. With out that measurement the rest is useless.
I need to see the underside of a Cervini Hood from a fox body mustang. I looked on the interweb and couldnt find anything. I went to their website and found nothing.
I need a picture of the latch area. The center of the hood and anything else that is tell tail cervini....
Thanks for you help.
Not neccesarily if Ben is busy with work and cant break away, his best time to exchange the server would be on a day off. And it so happens to be they will be in the same place at the same time. Why not just take care of it then. Then there is no colaboration of lunch schedules and so forth. It just works.
Does anyone know Bill Dozzer on here? Let him know I've come outta the closet and seriously wanna hump his asshole, fiercely with lots of passion.
Even if he does drive a Mustang. I long for him, and male companionship.