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Posts posted by JudgeDredd

  1. Translation: If you don't see it my way, you're wrong.


    Not really no. Go and ask about some department policies and see for yourself. THIS IS THE WAY IT IS WRITTEN.

    Voice commands

    Physical contact


    Lethal force in the end.

    (2 and 3 can be flipped really, situation depending like this one)

    Debate all you want but according to department policies this is pretty much what youre going to find all around. Do the research and see for yourself, then come back and post.

  2. Too many people in this thread that have no clue what theyre talking about.

    Go do a few rides with some of your local departments and see whats involved with runs like this... then come back and youll post "Sorry I should have agreed with you"

    I mean really thats just the way it is.. Unless you SEE IT the way WE SEE IT.. Youll have either common sense about it or simply wont understand it.

    Theres really nothing more to debate about it. Would be like me telling some chick how to bake cookies when I have no idea how the F to bake cookies. Same concept just put in a different way.

  3. They will do this for the general public too? If so, that's awesome.

    More than likely not :(

    They dont even have to help other officers either, but they are seriously the most insane gun nuts there hah.

  4. It was 15 seconds from the time the cop approached her to the time she threw her down. Using force is supposed to be a last resort, correct? She tried really hard to talk to her or find her daughter. Fuck that cop and all of you that support her actions.

    This is why you could never be one. Sometimes if you wait.. people get hurt or worse. Text book actions by her.. could not have been done better.

    Deadly force is a last option.. not a simple take down.

    Her actions were perfect.. had it gone a different way like her resisting.. Then mace or tazer.. last option had she started stabbing action towards officer would have been deadly force.

    See what I mean :)

  5. I kept mine bone dry and never had this issue. Is this a duty weapon? They can put a rush on fixing if it is.. There is an M&P web forum as well try looking around on there for an answer too.

    All else fails you could call over to the City of Columbus range here, the guys there would probably do a back flip for you to fix it hah. You would have to drive over but usually theyre more than willing to help. Just call and ask for the number to ordnance. They fixed my M&P when it had the stupid mag drop problem.

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