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Posts posted by JudgeDredd

  1. HOLY HELL that monkey pic is hilarious :lol::lol:

    Peeing in public can = you on sex offender list count me out!

    Boxing = wouldnt be fair :tongue:

    Im down with playing some games, but a cheesey battle off between Ben and I isnt necessary :lol:

  2. News said it was an 18yr old.. A senior at westerville high.

    hmm :?

    edit: So he WAS wearing a helmet. Not tooooo many twisties rite in that section of the road (watching short internet vid clip). To have been killed he either 1.) was racing? 2.) was stunting something crazy and lost it?

    Damnit I wish they would hurry up with the story and tell us more

  3. I was just wondering... are you going to ride your bike this year or just let it keep taking up space in the garage.. where the hell have you been... now that your cop convention is over, you better get your ass out riding...

    Ill get it out soon or later.

    I need:

    new tires

    new chain



    Im still in no big hurry really, I could almost care less if I ride at all this summer.

  4. Bikes not going to outrun a helicopter through city streets :lol:

    There was just a big supreme court thing regarding chases. Of course they favored us for being able to chase and not have to worry about some BS for those who get hurt WHILE the run away.

    I could care less about the 2 idiots who fled at high speeds, I just hope the officers are ok. I will find out today which one of my FCSO buddies got fuckin plowed into :nono: I know the prairie twp guy pretty well and hope it wasnt him.

    I just wish I would have been at work instead of in DC while this one happened, doh :oops:

  5. http://www.nbc4i.com/midwest/cmh/news.a ... -0007.html

    Im not really shocked, but it figures Im out of town and another good chase comes rite by me. :nono:

    I had the chance to talk to some columbus guys this past weekend, they are still going to crack down on speeding bikers.

    So for all of those still speeding around (80+ mainly) this should be yet another eye opener for you.

    I will try and get some inside details on this later.. surely some of the fellas I talk to were involved with this chase.

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