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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Are you serious!!!! you are officially a fag.. That is a super glue fixable wound for sure.

    I guess yota's arent tough at all.. Maybe we should start calling you Furby instead.

    hmmm... lets see here. Subcutaneous fat hanging out of my palm... Yea youre right man. I should of just tried to play tough guy and used butter flys... FUCK THAT. Ive been in the medical field long enough to know when something needs stitches. Why half ass it? Takes longer to heal, more scare tissue, greater chance of infucktion... No thanks. I have another race the 27th... ill be good to go in a few more days and able to run in that. But you are right, im a fag. Come on over for that reach around whenever! :D

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