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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. I'd recommend KofC. way cheaper for all the same shit. get enough ppl going and it'll be cool. beer, pool tables, grill up some food or order it in.

    True story. kofc is a fun place and they are very good to us there. Id go, its just hard for me to get there vs downtown.

  2. Alright, first of all, Ron is my friend so I said I would have his back on this issue. I dont know about everyone else, but when a friend asks me to do something, I always help if I can... thats what friends are for. Im simply aksing people to boycott the place for a couple weeks to help his situation. Its not like im stopping people from going there. If you really wanna go, then thats your call.

    I would be game for any other location. I just dont want to tell someplace its our "home" just yet. Im gonna work my magic 1st and get us some specials... for those that know me, well, they know thats kinda my thing. :D

    Garage bar is cool. As the guy MJ stated, parking is VERY convenient at the garage bar actually. Lot across the street, and you can park a bike on the sidewalk there. Not to mention its a hop, skip, and a back hand spring from a HUGE parking garage.

    Gheesh. Just wanted to do my dude a favor, he hooked us up with the specials, so I figured its the least WE could do to help him. I will start looking into other locations. Keith, send me the info of the Garage bar manager if you can. Thanks!


    our hook up there (Ron) is getting fucked with by the management. Dont want to go into all the details, but He asked me to post something up for him. So until further notice, I will not be going. We will get this resolved before next season, or Ill put something together at another place. No worries. Thanks!!

    - Your friendly Yota

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